a trip back home

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TW: Homophobia at the end 

We got up and packed up the rest of the food. Rupert woke up Porridge and we started walking to the West. It was midday so it was very hot. We drank almost all our water and sweated enough to fill a pool. When we stopped at a clearing to camp for the night we passed out almost immediately.

Just like the night before we woke up to one of Porridge's nightmares. He was whimpering and tossing and turning. He started scratching at the air. "Is it just me or are his nightmares getting worse?" Rupert asked as he got up to comfort him again. "I think so. I wish we knew what was causing these nightmares.'' I said. "I do too," Rupert said. "It breaks my heart to see him like this." I sang to him again and he calmed down. Rupert and I went back to sleep but neither of us slept well. We were both so worried about our sweet little dragon.

We woke up to the sound of Joan yelling. "BOYS! WE NEED TO GO NOW IF WE'RE GOING TO MAKE IT TO THE WEST CASTLE BEFORE SUNDOWN." I groaned and got up. Rupert sat up and nudged Porridge, who had slept through Joan's yelling. I wandered out of the tent. Joan was standing there with a couple of roots in her hands. "Eat quickly. We have to leave soon." She said. "Sorry, we slept in so late. Porridge had another nightmare last night and we couldn't sleep very well afterward. I guess we're just worried." I said.

 "It's okay," she said. "I understand. You want the best for him."

Rupert and Porridge wandered out of the tent. "Here, have some breakfast," I said, handing him two of the roots, one for him and one for Porridge. We ate quickly and took down the tent. Soon we were on our way. "Hey, Amir?" Rupert said after walking in awkward silence for about 30 minutes. "Yeah?" I said. "I think we should plan out more of our wedding, considering we have to announce it to the Kingdom." "Yeah. We should probably come up with an actual date instead of just sometime in the spring." I said. "What about April?" Rupert asked. "Sure. April is a good month. What day?" I said. "Hmm how about the 15th?" He said. "Sure, but why the 15th?" I asked. "Because it's in the middle of the month,"(and 12 days before my birthday!:)) Rupert said. "Okay then. April 15th it is." I said.

It was around sundown when we reached the West Castle. It was very different from the East Castle. Queen Lavinia told one of the soldiers to notify the kingdom that there was going to be a meeting in the morning and that everyone is required to meet at nine in the morning. The soldier went off to spread the word. We made our way to the Castle doors. When we walked in, a group of men were standing there waiting for us. "They did it. They actually did it." One of the men said. He looked like he was their leader. "Of course we did," Joan said. "We also killed a dragon." Porridge whimpered. "And yet you managed to miss the baby one right in front of you." The man said and pulled out his sword. "No!" Rupert yelled. "He's good. He won't hurt you." "How do you know that, boy?" "Because we raised him," I said. "We were there when he hatched." "Put down the sword Sir Percy." Queen Lavinia said. "Yes, my Queen." Sir Percy said and put his sword on the ground. "Also from now on, you shall take orders from your kings." Queen Lavinia said. "Wait. Kings?" He asked. "Yes. Kings." I said. "Rupert and I will be getting married in April." "Wait. Married?" Sir Percy asked. I gave Rupert a kiss on the lips. "But-but. No. there's no way." Sir Percy said awestruck

words: 664 

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