Chapter 3

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"Princess Red Lily is gone!"

"What do you mean, 'gone'?" Cried Apple Jack.

"I mean that the Princess is gone!"

"Where did she go?"

"I don't know! But Princess Celestia is calling in everyone to try and find her!" Twilight started hyperventilating. She took a deep breath. "Without Red Lily, the Horses if the Sun won't give Princess Celestia her blessing, meaning that the Sun won't ever rise. Without the Sun, we will be in darkness. This is bad, this is so very, very bad!"

"Well, what are we stickin' around here for? We have to find her!" Apple Jack started to head for the door.

"But we don't have any leads to where she could be!"

Spike came running in. "Twilight! I-" He burped, releasing a letter into the air.

Twilight opened the paper and said, "I stand corrected. Her best friend was named-" Twilight stopped for a second to blush. "Flash Sentry." Twilight had to take a deep breath to maintain her composure. Goldie raised an eyebrow. "The two always seemed pretty close, according to Princess Celestia. He's the prime suspect and he's going to be heading into town with an escort. Princess Celestia says that we should talk to him."

Big Mackintosh stood up. He started to head for the door, stomping his way there.

"Whoa there Big Mac!" Said Apple Jack. "There aren't any more trains from Canterlot today!"

Big Mac huffed then stalked back in. He went to his room where he slammed the door shut. Goldie flinched and felt bad. She wasn't Red Lily anymore but she disappointed a stallion who wanted nothing more than to meet her.

Apple Jack stared after Big Mac wondering what had happened to her brother. "All righty then."

"Why don't we grab everyone and bring them here?" Said Twilight, partly to herself. "We can all head to the station in the morning all at once. Flash Sentry will be coming on the train then." Twilight smiled, whether thinking of the wonderful plan or a certain stallion couldn't be told.

Apple Jack glanced at Big Mackintosh's room. "I don't want to leave my brother here without someone to watch him. Something's off about him and I want him to talk about it to somepony."

"Apple Jack? Twilight?" Goldie interrupted and stopped, suddenly questioning Twilight's title. "I-I mean Princess Twilight." She bowed, awkwardly, not used to being the one that bows.

Twilight shifted, uncomfortably. "My friends just call me Twilight."


Apple Jack and Twilight waited for her to get up from the bow. Twilight explained that they were friends and so Goldie didn't have to do that. Twilight waited for Goldie to start talking again, only to see her silent. Apple Jack prompted her. "What is it?"

"Could I-?" Goldie hesitated. She didn't want her cover to be blown, but she desperately wanted to see her best friend. She was already walking on thin ice hanging out with a FELLOW PRINCESS. "Could I join you guys tomorrow?" Dang. Too late to back out.

Twilight and Apple Jack glanced at each other. Normally, events like this were handled only by the ones who had a chair in Twilight's castle.

"One second." Apple Jack pulled Twilight to the side.

They whispered to each other. "Twilight? I think she should come with us."

"But this is a top secret operation!"

"She's our friend. And if she is going to working at the farm, she's going to be hanging out a lot more often."

Twilight was about to argue further when Apple Jack interrupted "Plus, you called her your friend."

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