Chapter 6

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"Oh, don't act so surprised. Big Mac told me everything!" Rainbow Dash pointed at the sheepish Big Mac. Goldie would bet money that Big Mac was blushing under that red fur.

Goldie realized she was still in the air. She stopped flapping and fell to the ground in shock. "Why would he tell you that?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "I KNEW something was going on between you guys! You never talk to each other but you keep looking at each other! In the daytime at least. So, after I uh," Rainbow coughed, "Interrogated him, he let the cat out of the bag." Rainbow grinned at Goldie. "So how long have you been dating for?"

Goldie stared at Rainbow, then stared at Big Mac. He hadn't told Rainbow her secret! She could continue to be Goldie! She sighed in relief.

Although, Goldie thought mischievously, revenge will needed for him. He couldn't just go around saying that she was his girlfriend without her permission! If he was going to be her fake boyfriend, she was going to make him pay in the most fun way possible...embarrassment.

"How long did he say we were dating?"
Rainbow smirked, finally getting an answer out of her. "Well, he says three months, since you got here. But I don't think that that's right."

Goldie rolled her eyes. "He ALWAYS says that. I keep telling him it wasn't official until one month ago, but he is obsessed with telling me that since he loved me before that, it was longer."

Now, Rainbow wasn't normally one to squeal, but boy did she at that last sentence. She quickly covered it up with a cough. Big Mac looked shocked.

When she was gone, Big Mac and Goldie were immediately in each other's faces.

"Why did you tell her that we were dating?" She screamed at him.

"She kept throwing questions at me so I just yelled 'yes' to the last one she asked and I didn't get what she said!" He glared fiercely at her. "Why did YOU tell her that I had loved you before that?"

"For revenge! Anyway, you-"

They were interrupted by Rainbow, who had flown back in to tell them that the others were coming.

"Guys-!" She froze when she saw how close the two other ponies' faces were. She quickly averted her eyes.

Big Mac and Goldie immediately realized what it looked like and jumped apart. They both started to blush.

Rainbow slowly grinned, then smirked. "You two are so cute! I ship this! My OTP!"

Goldie quickly said, "We've never kissed."

Rainbow nodded slowly, then Rarity burst into the room. Having heard everything, she scolded Rainbow Dash. "You ruined their moment! They were about to kiss! It would've been so cute! Their first kiss, torn apart by the one who calls herself a Gold Mac shipped."
Goldie blushed even deeper and glanced at Big Mac, cursing the fact that his fur was so red that no one could tell if he was blushing or not.

"We weren't about to kiss..." She said quietly, at the same time Big Mac asked "Gold Mac?" Neither could be heard over Rarity scolding and Rainbow's mumbles of apology.

Goldie heard Big Mac mutter "Girls," exasperated and shook his head. The nerve of that guy! First, he discovers her secret, then he has he gall to say that they were dating! How could this get any worse?

Twilight burst in.

"I have bad news! Bad bad bad very bad news!"

Goldie rolled her eyes. She had to ask.
"The Horses of the Sun have declared that their blessing is no longer active." Spike read, from a piece of paper. As he said these words, the Sun fell, casting night in the middle of the afternoon. Spike's audience, all of Ponyville, gasped and talked among themselves. Spike tried to keep reading, but couldn't be heard.

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