Chapter 7

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For a moment, nopony spoke. No one could believe that they had finally convinced Red Lily of marriage. Then, His Highness laughed. And laughed and laughed and laughed.

"No my dear." He said after he caught his breath. "You had your chance with my son. Strong Bull will marry a different Alicorn, Princess Twilight, while I shall marry you."

He grinned a horrible grin. From the corner of her eye, she could see that Twilight had paled. Red Lily was shaking with anger. "You said that only one alicorn was needed! That's the way it has been for thousands of years!"

His Highness laughed a horrible laugh. "You wasted your opportunity princess!"

Red Lily immediately looked at Twilight, regretting her choices. Twilight looked like she was ready to pass out. Twilight glared at Red Lily, making Red Lily feel worse.

His Highness stomped his hooves. "Please escort the brides-to-be to Red Lily's old room. They only have until morning to..." He looked at Red Lily,"....get cleaned up." As the guards took away the youngest two princesses, Strong Bull looked towards Rarity in the stands, who immediately left the room to cry. His Highness frowned at his son.
Once the two princesses were forced into her old room, Twilight immediately tried to teleport out.

"They would have made the door have one of those...things that get rid of your magic." Said Red Lily, watching.

Twilight flapped her wings and tried to fly through the open window but found there to be a force field in the way.

Red Lily expected Twilight to yell at her. To make a plan to escape, to take action.

Red Lily certainly didn't expect her to collapse onto the bed, with tears falling from her eyes.

As Goldie, she would've immediately went over to her friend and consoled her. But she was Red Lily. The one who betrayed her aunts and all of Equestria. Red Lily looked away and sat at her old desk, thinking about her life choices.

Why hasn't she just married the prince, Strong Bull? Just because he was full of himself (hehehe Stong full of himself) and she would've been sacrificing her freedom, didn't mean she had a right to avoid it. She had ended up dragging Twilight into this mess. Now TWILIGHT had to marry Strong Bull! And RED LILY had to marry is royal pain in the butt!

As Red Lily started to imagine living as Queen of the Horses of the Sun (think of the endless amount of toilet paper!), Twilight cleared her throat. Red Lily watched her dry her tears, rise from the bed and walk over to the window.

Red Lily expected her to say something, anything. She waited for a couple minutes, until it was clear that Twilight was not going to say anything else.

"That's it?" She asked, startling Twilight. "Are you just not telling me the plan to escape or what? Are your friends going to come in and save us?"

"No..." Said Twilight, shaking her head. She turned her gaze to the window. "We've been picked for this opportunity to have the Sun return to us. Without the sun, no pony in Equestria would survive. It's our duty as princesses to ensure that the citizens of Equestria's wellbeing comes first, even before our freedom."

Red Lily could tell that she had been preparing these words for a while.

Twilight kept her gaze out the window and some tears appeared in the corner of her eyes. "Even if we were to fall in love with somepony else, we couldn't do it. We are forced to be married for their wellbeing. In order to protect those we love, we have to give up everything."

She suddenly turned around and got in Red Lily's face.

"You let everyone down by forgetting your role as a princess!" She scolded, taking steps forward, forcing Red Lily to step back. "You were reckless and chose to go off on your own!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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