Love At First Show

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Freckles POV:

I had a gig at Miss Medda Larkson's theatre tonight. So my plan was to wake up go about my normal day have the younger ones sell papes and all that. I was going to have Charlotte watch them while I went to my show. So here I am ready to enter the stage and shine! (A/N: comment if you get that reference) 

As I'm in my dressing room getting ready I hear Ms. Medda talking to someone so I listen in and hear:

"You wouldn't happen ta know a gal named Freckles O'Leary wouldja?" 

"Well she's preforming today why don't you stay and watch the show?" 

"Sure I'll stay ain't got anythin' else ta do" 

I knew that voice it was that newsie yesterday that was talking to me about the strike, Jack Kelly, I believe. 'He wants to watch my show?' I found myself questioning, whcih caused me to for some reason feel nervous about performing. After shaking off my nerves and taking a couple of deep breaths I decided I will not let him distract me! No way, no how. I hope anyway, but soon after their little conversation, I was called to the stage.

*after the show*

I walked off the stage to be met with Jack Kelly smirking at me as I stare back at him with my signature glare as I ask him "What do you want?" 

He responds with, "I just wanted ta congratulate ya on the show," with a smile. 

"What? Are ya gonna try and convince me to work wit ya on da strike?" I asked expecting a 'yes' from him.

"Yeah kinda" he responds, shrugging his shoulders a bit. 

"Well sorry, Jack, but my gals aren't gonna be doin' no strikin' without confirmation dat yous won't run right away, because let me tell ya, Ise don't play around with stuff like this, I need all the info. So's I'll tell ya what, Ise will send one of my newsies to check out da fight. If all goes well great Brooklyn Heights joins if not, yous can be sure that yous will be soaked for plannin' to put my girls in danger, got it?" I sneered to which he nodded and made his way back to where he came from. I laughed and saw Ms. Medda staring at me with a look and I laughed and said "What? It needed to be said" and she laughed as well and said "Be sure to come and preform more the crowd loves you, and I'm happy that you're keeping those girls safe." as I hugged her about to leave I said "I will" and walked out the door to go back to the Lodge.

As I walked home I ran into Spot as he looked at me he said "So heard ya gave Kelly a talk today" I laughed and said "What? It needed to be talked about, I refuse to let those girls  get hurt because of some stupid proposition." I punctuated the sentence by turning to Spot with a glare. He laughed and said "Are yous going ta join tha strike?" 

"I plan to if all goes well, if not he's in for a soakin'" I said

"Yous always in tha mood ta fight" he sighed

"What can I say I got a bad temper and a dummy infront 'o me tryin' ta put our newsies in danger, how could I not threaten him?" I asked shrugging 

"Whatever, anyways Ise will see ya and Char later?" He asked

"Yeah sure" I said swatting my hand at him as I walked into the lodging house. "Where ya been?" Jay asked me. "Been talkin' ta some people" I shrugged. "What kinda 'talkin'?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Aw, shut ya trap!" I laughed as she laughed dodging my playful swat at her. 

"Ey! Blaze!" I called. "What?" She asked walking up to me "Ise need ya ta go up ta 'Hattan and do some spyin' the strike is tomorra and I wanna make sure that there ain't any casualties" I said to her. She nodded and said "Will do" and walked off. I went off to wash my face and hair 'This better not go wrong' I thought. 

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