{Chatper 6}

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It was during 8th period and I was waiting in the library for Leo to show up. I kept looking down at my time on my phone as waiting just got longer and longer.
"Hey sorry...I was caught up in something" I look to my side to see Leo sitting down and pulling off his hoodie. Once he took it off he put his elbows on the table like in class the other day and looks at me, "So...what are we doing?"
"Oh uh..." I pull out my math book and open it up to the page Mrs Robertson told me help him on. "Im going to help you understand algebra better" I say looking back at him, He rolls his eyes and looks all around the pages. "Do i really need to learn this...can't we just act like I did it but really just sit here" He says leaning back against his seat.
"Well no, unless you wanna do another year here." I say smiling slightly, he rolls his eyes again and looks at me "Isn't it Grayson?" He ask, I nod "I've always liked that name" he says a little quiet.
I dont know why but I smile after hearing him say that..."Ahem well...yeah we should get to studying"

Two hours later it was already 6pm and we were still in the library studying, I have to say Leo was really smart I don't know why he was hiding it. Leos phone starts to ring and we both look at it immediately, he picks it up and answers.
"Hello?.....Oh my god" He gets up quickly and walks out the library into the hall. I sit there confused for a second then I get up and stand by the door to try and hear whats happening. "I told you to stop fucking calling me...what do you not get" I hear Leo angrily say to the phone, "No I'm not going to do that, just leave me alone or I'll deal with you myself" I hear him hang up and I run back to are table and sit down.
He comes back in and looks at me dead in the eyes...It makes me nervous for a second until he gives a small smile. "Hey sorry...just annoying people calling...but uh I gotta go" He says grabbing up his backpack and throwing it on his shoulder. "Oh ok...well I'll see you tomorrow" I say getting up and closing up my books, "Yeah I'll see ya" He says smiling at me then walking off. I grab my stuff and walk off as well on my way home.

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