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Who am I?
What's my purpose in life?
Where do I fit in?
Why do I seem lost and confused?

So many questions with little or no answers.
Tired of being told what to do and what not to do,
Sick of being asked to conform with what doesn't suit me.
All your said requirements are not cut out for me,
All your compulsory boxes doesn't check out either.

Why can't you just let me discover myself my way?
Yes, there are guidelines but they're not meant to be forced on me,
What happened to choice? What happened to freewill?
It worked for you doesn't guarantee it would for me.
Why don't no one get that? Why do they keep pressuring?

Who I am is who I believe to be,
I am not restricted. I'm on a journey,
Where I'm headed I do not know yet,
Whatever my purpose is, I'm certain I'd find it on the way.
So here's to discovering, to living my life my way,
Here's to me.



It's not easy, it never has been.
We live in a world where the pressure keeps rising
And we're made to survive in these uneven circumstances
But though some rise, so many others don't
And they're deemed weak or unfortunate
When really it's just lack of luck or dare I say, grace
'Cause we are not deserving, none is worthy.

I keep thinking, to what end do we keep struggling?
Why are so many expectations placed on the son of Man?
We are casted away, deemed outcasts
'Cause we couldn't meet up to their high standards
And still some try to please, to what end I ask?

This is just a passing phase, though we're stomped on
But do not for one second think that we're done for.
We keep fighting, not to be recognized by your kind,
But because we owe it to ourselves to better our lives.

So regardless of what you may think of us now,
It won't matter 'cause we are no longer fighting for your cause
Instead we fight for a greater good, a life bigger than us
Where we're not scorned at or looked down on
But a life we live as we should; FREE and TRUE.
So no matter how difficult it gets, we keep fighting
For this end shall definitely justify the means.



No messages left,
No replies received.
My questions hang,
I'm so far deceived.
No drafts saved,
I've been led astray...
By a path I thought
Would go down to gems.

I've been isolated,
My thoughts are clean.
Come close—peer within,
You'll see ice with mint.
Where the truth is paved,
There are tractor lies.
Go down, spin the nuts,
You'll lose you to dust.
    Jason Hills
       Grand Phizze


Time flies
Seasons come and go
Faith flickers
Dreams begin to cease
A question is asked
Ten more received in answer
Dark clouds gather
Storm is imminent.



Everyone has their cross to carry,
No one is completely trouble free.
Some their struggles they're able to bury,
Others it's out there for all to see.

No matter what you do eyes will follow,
Eager to witness both your joy and sorrow.
Let it rain today for a brighter tomorrow,
Let the clouds drench us but serve as a halo.



Look at me and tell me what you see.
Can you see beyond my practiced smile?
Beyond this outward calm, do you see me crying out?
Do you see me calling to you to let me out?

Do you pay attention to the fine prints?
The bags under my eyes, the strain in my smile.
Though I said I was fine
But you should know it's always the same lie.


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