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Hard times really humbled us
Rough paths made us toughen up,
When we were deep in shit nobody noticed us,
Now that we glowing they busy loving up.

No one cared when we lacked basic stuff
Or when three-square meals happened few times a month
But now that we living good, having more than enough
People start whispering about how we doing too much.

Talk, talk, talk and gossip all day,
Nothing would change as this blessing is here to stay.
For way too long we've had our own share of delays,
Gone are the days when we live our lives halfway.



It's not over till it is
Even in the dark the light can still shine,
Even from the deep one can still rise.
The impossible can be possible as long as you believe.



Life is a learning slope,
The struggles of today, the lessons of tomorrow.
Watch, learn and then grow,
It doesn't get harder than that to cope.



We live for Christ,
He died for us.
We bask in Christ,
He died for us.

We sing to Christ,
He died for us.
We cheer to Christ,
He died for us.

We plead with Christ,
He died for us.
We pray through Christ,
He died for us.

We die in Christ,
He died for us.
We rise in Christ,
He died for us.

What is dead may never die.
He died so we might have life and have it more abundantly,
He rose for even death couldn't keep him captive.



This is it,
The end of this journey,
Fell so many times
But here I am still standing.

Lost my way at some point,
Even thought of giving up,
Looking back now, I'm glad I didn't
As the experience has helped me grow up.

Though I walked, I wasn't alone,
You were there for me when I was all alone
Even though I thought I could do it on my own,
You helped me and together we braved the unknown.

The journey is now at an end,
A chapter is closed.
New beginnings lay ahead
With fresh challenges enclosed.


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