Part 1: The new era

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It was close to sundown. The cries of war has filled the air. The blood shedding from both sides of the battle field. This was war. The war between the human race and the demon colony, For the human side was the head pope Manitoba Reese and for the demon side was The empress Catherine Ortega and The queen Rosalie Ortega. The fight seems to be in the demons side now. And the general told the pope to hide in his home with his family for the risk of the demons defeating the humans.

The pope fled to his home by horse to the main door. He opened the door and his wife and Daughter were sitting on the table eating their dinner.

"Manitoba?" His wife said

"Rose"He said

" what are you doing here? "

"I had to flee, the demon army is coming closer and closer everyday, we might loose this fight"

"There has to be some other way to end all of this, we could make a truce or give what they want and let them be free"

"Let those devil serving monsters free to roam around this holy land!?" He shouted "I don't think so, I'll never let the devil's plan to to play if it's the last thing I do"

"But Father I met one of them are you really sure that they are the monsters you say they are?" his daughter Tina said

The pope's eyes widened in horror of his daughter's words. He went up to her and slap her in the face. Rose just gasped in shock of his act.


" but dad... "

He slapped her again until she fell off of her seat.

"Manitoba stop!" Rose screamed

"Shut it Rose our Child needs to learn that demons will never be equal to the children of God" he shouted"And you young lady, go to your room and pray to God that he forgives you for saying such words of the devil"

"Yes father"she whimpered and left

The pope let out a sigh before sitting down on the couch.

" honey do you think you were a little harsh on her? "Rose said softly

" no, I was only doing what god wants me to, and she knows that dear, now got make me some dinner"

"Of course"she sighed and left

Meanwhile Tina was lying in her bedroom with a barely lit candle lighting up to the small room. Though she was a worshipper of God she sometimes has her doubts on what her father says. But even if she says them her father would just beat her and force her to her room. Deep in thought she blew out the candles and slowly feel asleep.

A few hours later...

As she was lost in her dreams and thoughts her slumber was abruptly interrupted by the the breaking of glass. She woke up confused and scared. She lit her candle and carried it as she slowly opened her door. She went down the hall and heard her mother's screams coming from the living room. Frightened she ran over there and gasped at the scene.

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