The Isle of the Lost

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EVER SINCE KING ADAM HAD BOOTED ALL THE VILLAINS OFF TO THE ISLE, YOU CAN GUESS THAT SAID VILLAINS turned the already damaged place upside down. Trash littered the streets and houses were shabby and some filled to the brim with people with no homes to go too. The rules on the Isle was: No magic, no wi-fi, and no way out, but that didn't mean that they had to be deprived from certain necessities.

As the years past, the Isle became more crowded as villains had children who would never know what life outside the Isle would be like. Issa was of one those children, being born and raised on the Isle by her mother, Queen Narcissa.

No one dared to cross Issa, as they didn't want to disrespect not only her, but her parents as well. Issa's father was the Lord of the Underworld himself, Hades. The god had met Queen Narcissa, which resulted in Issa. This had been before Hades had met his present wife, the goddess Persephone, who Issa had been told made her father happier than her mother ever did.

It didn't make her sad though, to see her parents split up, as she had never seen them together in the first place and she had preferred Persephone over her own mother for her father, as Queen Narcissa was never the affectionate type to anyone, including her own daughter.

Because of her father being a god and ruler of his own domain, he didn't get to see Issa as often as a normal parent would, as having scheduled times of four months down in the Underworld with him and Persephone, and four months with her mother on the Isle.

Staring outside her kitchen window, Issa could help but feel anxious in some way. Like something big was going to happen soon, she just couldn't tell what.

"Issa," a timid voice called from the doorway. Turning around, Issa saw Delara, daughter of the Queen of Hearts, standing before her. The ten year old girl had sought work from Queen Narcissa to monitor Issa, and do whatever she requested. Issa wasn't to keen on the idea of having the girl be her servant, but instead of fighting with her mother, she gave the girl food to bring home and took her under her wing, something she never did with anyone really. Well, except Carlos, but that was a different story.

"What is it, Lara?"

The petite girl walked over to Issa, reaching only just above the fifteen year olds hip. "I finished cleaning up the bathroom and dusted off the furniture. I also threw out the diced watermelons that were accidental given to instead of strawberries."

Issa snorted. "How do you accidentally give someone watermelons, when that person if allergic to said fruit?"

"Have no idea," Delara shook her head, putting her hands on her hips. "I don't know, but when I find out, I'll make sure to make them remember not to try that again."

"Also, did you really throw out the watermelons? You could have eaten them."

Delara shrugged. "Not like anyone likes watermelon."

Issa chuckled. Delara wasn't well know to be a vengeful person like her mother, and her threats were usually meant to be taken lightly. But the small girl did have temper, which Issa thought was cute.

"Hey, I thought I told you that you didn't have to do any of that? You can go home to your mom now."

Delara shrugged, adjusting her heart-shaped pin on her leather jacket. "Yeah, well, I didn't want to get in trouble with your mom, as she told me to it. Also, can't I just come and see you?"

Issa rolled her eyes and pulled the girl in to her side. "Well, of course." She ruffled her thick curly hair. "But it's time for you to go home. Grab whatever you want from the fridge before heading out."

Delara nodded before running off, but then slid to halt as she remembered something. "Uma told me to give you this." She pulled out a seashelled bracelet and tossed it over to Issa before running off towards the fridge.

Issa opened her hands and stared at the bracelet from Uma. She had been friends with the daughter of the sea witch and her crew, who she had also grown up with. The two had met when Issa had decided to skip school at Dragon Hall, coincidence, bumping in to Uma who was only thirteen at the time, a year older than Issa.

The two had gotten along fairly quickly...well, after a small sword-fighting squabble over who was badder. Issa was happy to be around someone who didn't cower in fear instantly when seeing her, and didn't let being high villain child on the social scale get to her head, like a certain purple haired girl Issa knew.

Though, their friendship ultimately came to a stop when Queen Narcissa had forced Issa to befriend a new group of friends, the purple haired girl, Mal included. Sure they got along, and cared about each other, but to Issa she felt as if she had to be someone she wasn't. Always feeling as if the friendship wasn't genuine, as it was forced upon by their parents, and they were only brought together after one of them was nearly killed while on a quest to prove themselves to their parents by retrieving Maleficent's staff from the Forbidden Fortress in the Isle of the Doomed.

Queen Narcissa forbade Issa from ever seeing Uma and her crew, seeing them as below her and believing it would put tension on her friendship with Mal, as the latter had had a rival with the sea witch's daughter.

Smiling sadly, Issa slipped on the bracelet and headed over towards the door. Studying herseld in the mirror, she couldn't help but smirk as she thought she looked good. Her black leather jacket that had a skull stiched on to the shoulders of the jacket, a crimson red shirt that faded to black as it reached the hem, ripped black jeans with dark blue battered combat boots, and fingerless gloves that anointed her blood red nail polish.

Her brownish red hair was still in the transitioning process, as she was born with blonde hair before growing out of it, as it would soon turn a dark raven color. Though, because she had a few blonde strands, she decided to add more color and highlighted it dark purple, black and blue.

Thinking she looked good, Issa moved to open the door to her house but only to frown when she saw two of her mother's henchmen standing on the other side. "Ugh, what to you two want?"

One of them spoke first, slightly slurred. "Your mother request your presence at Maleficent's castle. Now!"

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