The Tour

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JACK STOOD BESIDE Ben at the steps of Auradon, trying his best to not display his feelings about having to be here. He could be doing other things right now rather than giving a tour to the villain kids.

Fairy Godmother had requested him specifically to stand with Ben and Audrey, as when the the limo escort pulled around the corner, the band would begin to play music announcing their arrival.

Ginerva wanted to be here to greet her...aunt, and show her around but felt that she may make her feel out of place by rushing the process.

"How long until they arrive, Fairy Godmother?" Jack asked, turning to the Headmistress as she stood in front of them in her usual cerulean blue pants suit.

"Oh, it won't be to long dear." Fairy Godmother said, sending Jack a smile. "I'm sure you are all excited to see our new students."

Ben gave a wide smile, Audrey looked as if she were trying to be supportive but her smile came out more like a grimace, and Jack just held a look of disinterest.

"Here they come!" One of the band members yelled before everyone began to get in to position. Jack sighed in dismay before shoving his gloved hands in to his pocket.

Music filled the air as the band played, and the few students nearby let out choruses of applause and cheers. As the limo pulled around the garden and over to the awaiting crowd before pulling to a stop. The music slowly died however as the driver pulled open the door and a boy with a mass of white, curly hair rolled out of the limo on to the pavement. He let out cries and groans as he tried to pull a jacket away from a taller, more muscular boy, who placed his chest and tried to yank the jacket from him.

Jack raised an eyebrow as the rest of the teens simply stepped out, shaking their heads at the pair as if it were a normal occurrence.

"You got everything else! Why do you want this!" The white haired boy screamed, still struggling for the jacket. From his looks he obviously had to be Carlos, the son of Cruella de Vile.

"Because you want it!" The taller boy hissed through clenched teeth, yanking at the other end of the jacket. Two girls glared down at the two boys fighting, snapping at them to stand up. Following after them were a boy and girl, who seemed to be completely tuning out the others.

"Guys," the purple haired girl snapped. "We have an audience." From sense of directed authority and clothing she was Mal, daughter of Maleficent.

The two boys froze and looked up in surprise, as if just noticing the crowd in front of them. Quickly jumping to their feet they put on the best innocent smiles that they could muster.

"We were just fixing up." The muscular boy said.

Fairy Godmother gave a slightly grimace. "Leave it like you found it," she said in her usual sing-song voice. "And by that, I mean just leave it." The group gave the muscular boy a pointed look before he grumbled in reply and tossed the items he had collected back in to the limo.

Jack glowered as the boy sauntered over to Audrey, wearing a flirtatious smile. "Hello, foxy. The name's Jay." Jack let out a snort and rolled his eyes, barely able to hold back a smirk as Audrey merely heeded his advances.

Fairy Godmother quickly stepped in between the two, still keeping up with her smile. "Welcome to Auradon Prep. I am Fairy Godmother, Headmistress." She informed, along with a curtsy.

Immediately Mal perked up at the name, her green eyed widening with a mischievous mirth. "Fairy Godmother?" She repeated, waving her hand in the air as if waving a wand. "As in bibbidi bobbidi boo?"

"Bibbidi bobbidi, you know it," Fairy Godmother replied proudly.

"Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared out of nowhere. With that sparkly wand and warm smile...and sparkly wand." Mal sighed dreamily, causing Jack to narrow his eyes at her, especially as she kept hinting at the wand.

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