A Day Awaits

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TO SAY THAT JACK WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO DISAGREED WITH THE NEW PROCLAMATION WOULD BE A LIE. All throughout the halls of Auradon, students would whisper back to each other about the new arrivals. Some would be meek replys, as if by even mentioning the name would cause all hell to freeze over.

Jack was pulled thin, as his inner circle of friends were split on separate sides of the spectrum when it came to it. Ben, Poppy, the daughter of Rapunzel,  Abigail, somewhat, and Genieve were all for the idea. Audrey, Harrison and Deliphina, and Eddie were against it. Heck, Jack couldn't even mention the name around Deliphina without her glaring in to the distance.

Trying to keep good spirits for Ben and taking the weight off his shoulders, as he was busy getting everything squared away for the villain kids, Jack took up the opportunity to go around Auradon and see how everyone was adjusting to the news. Though Jack didn't see the point in doing so, as it was obvious, he didn't question it.

"You know," Jack began as he glanced around at all the students in the library. "you don't have to help. Though I compliment your strategy, I know how you feel about all this."

Audrey shook her head, not looking Jack in the eye as she scribbled away at her notepad. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Right. So your arrangements for new bed sheets in the girls and boys available dorm rooms, as well the Fairy Godmother's plan for the marching band. Audrey, I know all this was you."

The olive skinned girl didn't reply immediately, just stared at a nearby bookshelf. Then with an annoyed huff she said. "Still doesn't mean that I want them here. They're trouble I just know it." She let out a breath of air through her nose. "But Bennyboo believes that we should give them a chance. So I've decided to at least help ease the pressure off his shoulders."

Jack smiled and pressed his shoulder in to her side. "How nice of you. I'll pretend that I know nothing about this."

"Good choice."


Miles away from Auradon, across the ocean stood a gloomy fortress that could see chills through anyone's heart. The tall, ghastly grey stoned mountain was carved out, allowing a rundown town to slither it's way through. From the kingdom of Auradon, the residents would sneer at the tiny island, believing that all those who lived there got was they deserved. Underneath the thundering storm clouds, never being graced by the sight of sun thanks to the barrier, shabby houses and apartments huddled together in tight spaces, nearly falling apart.

The streets were littered with trash and occasionally, if someone were to listen closely, could hear the cracks forming in the concrete. Thousands of people roamed the streets, wearing the usual get up of the Isle-stolen, mismatch, hanging by a thread, stitched pieces of cloth. For the Isle, clothing like this was considered a privilege.

The Isle homed to all the storybook villains as you can guess had social classes that determined how they lived amongst each other on the Isle. The most notorious villains being Maleficent and Queen Narcissa. The two women were well known villains and had a spell of authority that reigned over the Isle. Just a step below them on the latter were there associates/allies-The Evil Queen, Jafar, Mother Gothel, and Cruella de Vile.

There children only teens, created names for themselves under their parents wing. Causing havoc around the Isle whenever they got the chance, and since school was out it meant almost everyday.

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