Week 2. Group Date

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Yesterday I had a great time with Elizabeth. But today is a new day, that I have a group date with 15 other women and I cannot wait to see what will happen today. They do not know what we're doing today.

-Hey there. How are you? -I said as Amber, Glendora, Denise, Lydia, Tessa, Kennedy, Alice, Jenna, Fancy, Courtney, Martha Belle, Amanda, Phyllis, Emma and Dove S. all came running up to me as I was standing facing them outside in front of the mall in Hollywood.

Martha Belle ran and hugged me and then I hugged the rest of the girls.

-So, ladies I just want to let you know that I just want to have fun today with each and everyone of you.
-Okay. -Women replied.
-Alright then, let's get started. -I said as we head inside the mall.

-Awesome. Thanks, Wes.
-Hey, ladies. All of you look so beautiful today, And I'm so excited to have you here for our very first date. So to me, love is a two-way street. I'm looking for a woman that can give just as much as she can receive, So I picked today to basically give back a little bit. We're gonna be donating our time to a very special organization: The american red cross. -I said hugging the girls.
-Whoo! Great.

-Hi, everybody. I'm Charles from the american red cross, And I want to thank you very much for being here today. Every two seconds, Someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion, And each donation can help save more than one life, And with your help today, we're hoping to raise that awareness And encourage people to give blood.
-All right, Charles. So today we have the privilege of making Several public service announcements For the american red cross. These p. S. A. S may very well be used as national commercials. So if you'll come with me, We'll go right into the wardrobe and hair and makeup.

"It's so important for everyone to give blood. I love being able to make a difference, And the american red cross is an amazing organization. It's
good to be able to support a good cause And do something positive on our dates." -Glendora.

-Quickly, ladies! Quickly, quickly, quickly. Gather around, please.

"So we get inside, and it looks like a big studio. I was so excited. I couldn't wait." -Denise.

-So when I call your name, please come up and get your script. -Charles said handing out the scripts.

"Oh, my sugar-daddy! We had these scripts that we had to memorize In, like, five minutes. I'm the pregnant lady that's gonna be barging in. Well, I'd say we're skipping a few steps there. I know. The innocent one." -Alice.

-Mm-hmm. I'm supposed to be kinda like a virgin. Do I really tell you "it's not bad for your first time"? I think I do. I remember my first time like it was yesterday. You really remember it? Yeah. Duh! All right. Should we go. -Jenna said.

-Hold on a second. Are they seriously gonna put me in that outfit? I'm playing a butch girl in a neck
brace With two arm casts. -Courtney said.

-We're all gonna be trying to fight for his time, And I think we're all gonna be really annoyed with each
other. I'm seeing 3-way. -Phyllis said.
-When you say "3-way," what do you mean by "3-way"? Like, the claws are coming out today. I feel it. I think we have a love triangle. I am the maid. Nice. A very hot maid. Do I get to kiss Wes? -Emma said.
-I don't know. Fancy does.
-No, I don't. I don't get to kiss him? I am not the cougar. I am just saying that right now. Clearly, I am the cougar. -Fancy said.

"We're here for wardrobe. Seeing Wesley without his shirt on, I don't think that anybody was complaining. I wasn't. he works out a little bit. I think a lot of us were Whew. Dove's costume is the bomb. She should put on cat ears and a tail and be catwoman. As for me, it was one of those moments Where I was like, oh, my god. I'm the butch in the neck brace and two arm casts. Alice, she got stuck with the worst outfit ever." -Kennedy.

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