Week 3. Rose Ceremony

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"Tonight is the rose ceremony, and I have enough clarity of the women that I would want to give roses to."

"Going into this rose ceremony tonight, Jenna, Larissa, And Rachel all have roses, and there's a little bit of jealousy, and I think there's a little bit of envy I think it's getting more intense 'cause people are Seeing the connections that he has with multiple girls. You know, emotions are running high. Everyone's really starting to feel for him, and it's tough. But, you know, I'm just trying to focus on him and I right now. Unless you have that rose, like, there's no guarantee That you're gonna stick around. Optimistic way of looking at it. I feel pretty confident." -Denise.

-Is anyone else feeling really confident tonight? -Denise said to the other girls.

(Women laugh)

"I did get some one-on-one time alone with Wes At the group date this week, And I felt like we shared a special moment And I finally got my first real kiss. You know, my feelings are just growing more and more, And I'm really starting to fall for this guy, I really hope that I get a rose tonight." -Emma.

-He's definitely confident, though, In finding someone here. -Emma replied to Denise.
-Uh-oh. -Dove S. said.

-Well, hello, ladies. -I said as I walked in the ceremony.
-Hi. -Women replied.
-How is everybody?
-Good. -Women replied.

-So, it's been quite a week and I have a touch decision to make. That it has a positive. With relationships that begin to develope. I know that I'll find my wife. -I said as I picked up the first rose.

-Kennedy. Will you accept this rose?
-Yes. I'd love to. Thank you. -She said as she receives the rose.
Then we hugged.

Dakota. -I said as I picked up the second rose from the tray.

-Dakota. Will you accept this rose?
-Absolutely, Thank you. -we hugged.

-Alice. Will you accept this rose?
-Yes. I would be honored. Thank you. -we hugged.

"I feel so happy and cheerful that I got a rose!" -Alice.

-Tessa. Will you accept this rose?
-I will. Thank you. -we hugged.

-Dove H.

It was my last rose. There were four ladies standing without roses and are left. I was thinking my decision. It was between Lydia, Dove S, Martha Belle and Elizabeth.

Ladies it's the final rose tonight. When you're ready. -he turned to me and walks away.

-Thanks. -I said to Chris as he steps out of the room.

Martha Belle. -she came to me.

-Martha Belle, will you accept this rose? -I said as I picked up the last rose from the tray.
-Yes. Thanks. -Skylar said as she grabbed the rose and we hugged.

-Everytime. -I smiled and hand her the rose. She then returned to the place she was standing.

-Ladies, I'm sorry. If you did not receive a rose, Take a moment, say your good-byes. -Chris said as he came back into the room.

Everyone said goodbye and then they came to me and I hugged them.

-Good luck. -Lydia said as she hugged me goodbye.
-Thank you so much for being here.
-No thank you for letting us have a chance to get to know and meet each other.

When they were gone, I grabbed my champagne glass to make a toast.

"I really thought that I had a great connection with him. I guess, I didn't then some of the girls. I'm so disappointed. But I know that my prince charming is out there somewhere." -Lydia.

"I am shocked and surprise that I didn't get a rose. I thought that we had good chemistry. I was very confident that I was going to get a rose. I really tried to put myself out there and I guess it wasn't enough for him to want to get to know me." -Dove S.

"It's just sad. I thought we had better chemistry than the other girls. But I guess I was wrong. Now I'm going home. I really am grateful for having this opportunity and the experience. Hope one day I'll find my Mr. Right." -Elizabeth

-Ladies, Let's cheers for a new and exciting week. I think it is time to take our adventure international. Somewhere it is known for a romantic getaway and fun. So, please raise your glass and lets toast to us going to Peace River, Alberta!


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