Welcome Back

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I started back at school today. I honestly needed the time out of my apartment. I rarely get out anymore. I could've sworn that I was being followed. It was probably an assassin from a rival tribe. I am a defender of the normal citizens of this city. They don't know anything about us. My assignment was to guard the innocent people. I am to work in the shadows and keep our existence a secret. Even this is hard to do at times.

A kunai flew past my head. How unprofessional. I grabbed it to prevent a student from getting hit. Did I mention that an assassin attends the same school as me? Weird right? Not at all in my world. Stuff like this happens every single day. To make matters worse, this assassin had their classes changed to the same ones as mine. I literally have to dodge attacks all day while trying to pay attention in class. I can't catch a break. Another flew towards me, and it broke my train of thought. I grabbed it and put them both away. The both of us then walked to class and took our seats.

The teacher stepped in with an unfamiliar student. "This is William Bloom," the teacher declared. He waved to everyone. He then walked down the aisle and stopped at the desk beside mine. "Is this seat taken?" he asked. "Not at all," I replied. He took the seat. I pulled out my notebook and got ready to dodge anything thrown at me today. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and faced William. "Hey. I'm William, but you can call me Will," he said. "James Edwards," I replied.  A shuriken flew in front of our faces, and I heard a gasp from behind me. Will jumped back. "WHAT WAS THAT???" he cried out. I shushed him and pulled him close to me. I really have to expose myself now. "I'm a real life ninja. The girl back there is an assassin, and she has to kill me," I said lowly. "You're kidding right?" he said. "No," I replied. "You have to train me. She probably has to kill me too now," he said. "Probably so, but I can't train you," I replied.  He locked eyes with me. "Please," he said. "I will protect you, but I will not train you" I said.  The teacher walked in and picked up the shuriken. "The drama club leaves these everywhere," she said. She picked it up and stowed it away in her desk.

After school, I began my normal route home. I was turning the first corner when I heard someone yell after me. "JAMES! Hey buddy, wait up!" I came to a halt. "You have to train me," Will pleaded. I sighed. "Why?" I asked. He pulled out a kunai and then lifted his shirt to reveal a scar. "This happened while I was using the urinal. If she attacks me there, I'm not safe anywhere," he complained. "Fine. Meet me behind the school at 5 am tomorrow," I commanded. His face showed a sign of relief as we parted ways.

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