Midnight Cat Cafe

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I opened my eyes to a dark room. There was light, but it was faint. A single lightbulb hung overhead. I looked around to see...... coffee beans? I tried standing up, but I was too fatigued to do so. The door began to slowly creak open. I grabbed the closest object, a thing of coffee creamer, and threw it towards the door. "Ow!" a female voice cried out. The door opened all the way to reveal a young girl in a cafe uniform. The apron had a black cat posed infront of a moon. That's when I realized where I was.

"He's awake now," the girl said. A familiar short female rushed past her to my side. "Are you ok?" Charmy asked. I nodded. Annie stepped in. "We patched you up the best we could. You should be grateful that Rob and Belle were kind enough to let us stay here," she commented. Belle and Rob stepped forth. "You ring?" Belle asked. "Thank both of you," I replied.  They nodded and left the room. Charmy and Annie helped me up. We walked into a room full of people waiting for coffee and other things. Rob and Belle were busy at work with a few other employees.

When the day came to an end, they were closing the store up. The girls and I decided to help clean as a way of repaying our debt. After the cleaning was over, we all sat around the counter and discussed what happened. "Jock? I know where his business is. You should attack there," Rob stated. He pulled out his phone and showed me the address. He also showed some pictures, so it would be easier for us to find it. It was a skyscraper overlooking a river.

We began discussing plans. Annie persisted that she went alone to rescue him. They were a couple after all, but Charm said we should work as a team to get in. Belle made the comment that more people would be easier to detect. While the three of them argued over the best course of actions, Rob and I were looking through the building's blueprints online. "Screenshot those and send them to me," I commanded him. As he was doing that, I saw that the girls still hadn't decided. "I'm going in alone. Case closed," I declared. Everyone just looked in shock as I realised I still had the bullet wound in my side.


I looked up at the man with blood dripping from my mouth. I swear that I had seen him on TV before. "They're not coming for you," he said. "Of course they are," I replied. I knew that my friends would never give up on me. I wanted to be home with my girlfriend instead of tied to a chair and beaten half to death. I caught a couple of slices from a knife. This "TV man" had shot my legs. I felt completely hopeless. He looked me in the eyes. "You. Are. Done." Everything went black as I was caught by coldness from every direction.


I was standing on the other side of the river staring at the large building that now stood before me. "This must be the place," I said. "It sure is, James. Be careful in there," Rob said through my earpiece. I pulled my mask up to where only my eyes were showing. My wild hair still flowed freely. My side was no longer bothering me. I took a second to muster up everything I had within me before diving into the river. Good thing my gadgets are waterproof.

"There should be a drainage pipe infront of you," Rob said. I climbed into it. The stench was no problem. After my first encounter with the sewers, I learned to spray air fresheners into my mask before every mission. Rob led me up to a fenced area behind the building.  "Careful. Don't go up yet. There are four guards around you," Rob claimed. "Be super careful," Charmy's voice rang from the other side. I barely lifted the manhole cover, so I could spot the four men. They all were carrying rifles. Convoy trucks were moving in and out.

I grabbed a smoke bomb and threw it out. The only sound was their coughing as I used my kunais to drop them like flies. I then quickly hid the bodies from view. "Outta sight. Outta mind," I remarked. A convoy truck began to approach. A dove behind a wall as it passed by. "James, that is your ticket in,"  Rob commented from the earpiece. I leapt upon the back of the truck. I peeked to see guards in the garage, so I slid to the underside and lifted myself up.

I could hear Jock and one of his disciples speaking. "Why did you do it sir?"  "Once they get here, they'll find him dead and lose all hope," Jock replied." I covered my mouth to keep from gasping. I could hear Annie freaking out through my earpiece. The other girls were trying to calm her down. I reached for a kunai to throw at him. "Don't do anything irrational," Rob said. "Maybe he hasn't killed him yet. Keep going. This is as far as I can guide you for now, so you are on your own. Try to find him for us. We're counting on you."


I sat the goggles down and turn to the girl in tears. The other two were holding her down. "Let me go in!!!! I'll kill that bastard!!!!!" she screamed. "There's a chance that he's still alive," I said. The two girls released her as I put a hand on her shoulder. "We'll get them both out safely. I promise." I reached for a laptop and opened it to a screen. No signal found. I spoke into the earpiece. "Turn on the camera I place on your shoulder". I heard a click through the earpiece then the screen lit up. He was in the vents.


I was crawling through the vents and following the sound of the elevator Jock had entered. It was too fast. The vents were so narrow that it was hard to maneuver through them. "I hope you don't have claustrophobia," I said. I was trying to lighten the mood. I didn't need Annie to get hurt because of false news. I heard Rob chuckle to himself. I kept crawling through the vents. I heard many voices below me. I stopped when I heard a certain sentence. "Do you know where the boss is?" "He's on his office floor. Floor 13."

"You heard that. Get moving," Annie called to me. Her voice was different. It had no emotion. I dropped from the vents and remained in the shadows. The guy was making his way towards the elevator. I watched as he scanned his ID to use it. I then knocked him out and took the key card. The elevator doors opened with a ding. I stepped into it, and I made sure I had no cameras watching me. "This is it. We're getting him back," I said to my team. I watched the elevator number and clung to the ceiling when it hit 13.

The doors opened. "That's not funny guys," Jock said. "It gets annoying after awhile." I dropped down and stepped in. "Oh. It's you," he said. I started stepping in his direction. "Your friend is right here," he turned a chair to reveal Will. He was beaten severely and had a gunshot wound between his eyes. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Annie's voice cried out followed by tears. I turned the earpiece off and sat the camera on the ground. He turned his back to me and stared out of his large glass window. "The river looks nice. Don't you think so?"

"I'll kill you!" I shouted. I lunged towards him and knocked us both to the ground. He kept blocking all of my punches, so I drew a knife and shoved it deep into his arm. He pulled his arms down and punched me in the nose. It began to bleed. I wiped the blood and shoved him into the window causing it to crack. He kicked me down and reached for his gun. I roundhoused it out of his hand. As we both dove for it, I looked to the hill my friends were watching from. My team was in tears.

I kicked him back and grabbed the gun. I pointed it towards him as he backpedaled hard. He had something I couldn't make out in his hand. As I pulled the trigger, a glass barrier dropped infront of him, and he jumped back in a startled manner. I then turned the earpiece on. "He got away," I sighed out. I watched as he pressed the button again. A ball of fire emerged from infront of me. I was blasted through the window and out into the open air.


"James!!!" I screeched as I saw the body fly from the window. Belle grabbed ahold of me. "Don't look," she said. Tears rolled from my eyes. Rob was holding down the angry Annie. I glanced to the laptop. There he was, the man who'd slain our friend and my lover. We all sobbed as a voice came from our earpieces.


I spoke to try to comfort them. This would probably be the last time I could. Wind rushed past me. I looked to the hill. "You guys mean everything to me. I'm sorry it had to be like this. I wanted to have my first date with you, Charm. Goodluck with the cafe, Rob. Belle, hold him tight, for you never know when you'll lose him. Annie, I'm sorry that I couldn't save him, but stay strong for his sake. I love you all. Goodbye."

Everything went black as I was caught by coldness from every direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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