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I awoke to a my alarm clock blaring again. I got up and started getting ready. After getting dressed, I peeped my head into my bedroom. Charmy poked her head up. "I was just gonna let you know that I'm heading out. There should be food in the refrigerator or the cabinet," I said. She nodded, and something crawled out from beneath my blanket. Kraken yawned and did a stretch. "Cya, cutie," I said. "You're so sweet," Charmy said. "I was talking to the cat," I giggled. Kraken strutted around on the bed as though he were a model. This cat sure does act like he understands me.

I showed up just as the bell to go to class rang. I told Will that I would be late. I also told him there would be no training today. He rushed up to beside me. "Is she ok?" He asked. "She seems to be doing better," I replied. He nodded and we stalked off to class. My "most obsessed fan" followed not too far behind us. I suppose it was time that I confronted her. I tripped Will to keep a shuriken from hitting him. "Always be on gurard," I told him.

I rushed around a corner after class and darted behind the next. The assassin rushed into the first and looked around in confusion. "Looking for me?" I teased. She had a stern look on her face as she lunged at me. In a matter of seconds, I had tripped her, grabbed her arm, and pinned her to the wall. "You're so unprofessional. Now why are you still after me?" "I'm a trainee. I can't rest until my job is done if I want to be a true assassin," she replied. She tried to break free, but I pinned her to the floor. She pulled a kunai and tried to stab me. I held her hands back, so it wouldn't touch me.

Footsteps were coming towards us. I let go, and she put the blade away. Now she tries to stay hidden. I realized last second that I was still ontop of her. A small brown haired girl rounded the corner. It was Amelia. "James. Annie. Is this a lover's quarrel?" she giggled after asking. I stood up and helped Annie up. So that is her name. "Why arent you two at break?" Amelia asked. "We tripped over each other," Annie answered. "I was just helping her with her thing," I continued. We all exchanged nods and went on our way.

I had no trouble from Annie for the rest of the day. My classes went by fairly smoothly too. Will stopped me before I left for home. "Say hey to Charmy for me. Also, tell her how cute she looks," he said. "Will do," I chuckled. He flirts with all the girls at school. It was no shock to me that he said that he wanted me to say that. I don't know why, but I felt alittle bad when he said that. Surely I couldn't be jealous.

I stepped through the door and inhaled deeply. I could smell Jambalaya. I walked to the kitchen and Charmy turned to look at me. She was wearing an apron ontop of her dress. "I figured making your dinner would be ok after all that you've done for me," she said and did a small twirl. "That apron looks cute on you," I said. She smiled and brought the pot to my kitchen table. She then placed a pan of sweet cornbread beside it. "Dig in," she smiled and said. It took me no time to help her finish it all.

After eating, we sat on the couch. She was glued to my side, but I didn't mind. "Where did you get all of the ingredients, and how did you know that is my favorite food?" I asked her. "I walked to town, and you said it in class," she commented.  It's too dangerous for you to travel alone. Don't go anywhere unless someone is with you. She's still out there," I said. She nodded and snuggled into my side. I wrapped my arm around her as we watched TV.

I woke up and look down. She was still asleep on my side. Kraken meowed and walked to the kitchen. I tried moving Charmy off of me. "Don't leave me," she muttered. "I have to pee," I replied. "Ok, but hurry back," she released me. I stepped into the kitchen and saw Kraken scratching the refrigerator. I opened it up and grabbed the milk. "Is this what you want?" He meowed in response. I poured milk in his bowl and  set an alarm for the morning on my phone. I then grabbed a blanket and crawled back onto the couch. We laid long ways on it with her head resting on my chest.

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