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Beep beep beep

"Five more mintues...."

I felt a light kiss on my cheek. "We need to get up," Charmy said. "Fine," I groaned as I stood up. I heard meows from the living room. "I'm gonna go feed them. Go ahead and get your shower," I said. When I walked into the kitchen, the cats were scratching frantically at the pantry. I reached in and got the food. I sat it down for them and watched as they went to town on it. I walked back to my room. Charmy was still taking her shower. Steam arose from beneath the bathroom door.

I noticed a small book on my shelf. I didn't place it there, so I figured Charmy did. As I lifted it from the bedside drawer, I read the cover. "Diary," I muttered. I was gonna put it back, but I figured It'd help me see how she really feels about this situation. I opened it up and read yesterday's entry:

Dear diary,

I really appreciate James taking me in like that. It was so kind of him. I tease him alot about the boyfriend thing. In reality, I actually want him. I'm not sure if he wants me though.

"What are you doing?" A voice interrupted my reading. "N-nothing," I turned a bright red. She strutted over and snatched the journal from my hands. "Please tell me you didn't read any of this," she hung her head. "Sorry," I said. She threw the book at my head and hid in the bathroom. "Charmy come out. I'm sorry," I tried to plead with her. I heard a scream from inside the bathroom. "Charmy!!!" I kicked down the door. "Are you ok?" I asked. She was on the floor backpedaling from a spider. She jumped to my shoulders and latched on.

"S-spider!!!" she shouted into my ears. "Yes. I see it," I replied. I sat her on the bed and went back into the bathroom to dispose of it. When I came back to the bedroom, she was on my phone. She put it on speaker on threw it to me. I caught it and heard a familiar voice. "9 LIVES!!!!! NIGHTTIME!!!!! COFFEE!!!!!! JAMES HELP!!!!!!!!" Will's voice cried out. He was begging for his rescue. Could this be Annie? "Find Annie......." his voice was now muffled. "Good luck saving him. You are next," another voice came through the phone.

Charmy looked at me. There was a look of concern in her eyes. "What was that stuff he was shouting?" she asked. "I think I may have an idea," I said. I got my shower and finished getting dressed. I found Charmy in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal. "I know what he was telling us," she said. She turned a laptop to face me. "The Midnight Cat Cafe?" I asked. Then, I pieced everything together. "Let's go then," I said. I grabbed a donut and some milk before we darted out towards the cafe.

As we walked into the building, nothing seemed to be off. It was a normal business day. People were sitting around enjoying their coffee or eating pastries. There was a solid black cat sitting on the counter as an employee was petting it. I suppose that is where it got its name. I walked over to the guy. "Can I help you?" he asked. "Yes. I'm looking for a friend of mine," I replied. Charmy was now playing with the cat. "He said to come here before he disappeared," she spoke up. "I havent a clue of what you mean," the employee replied.

"Weird guys with masks ring a bell?" I asked. A waitress walked over. "You ring?" she asked. I dismissed her and the employee shook timidly. "I bought the building from them. They also gave me this cat," he said. "That's all I can say," he was beginning to sweat as he nervously spoke out. He slid a cup of coffee that he'd been making towards me. "It's on the house. Now please leave before they come after me," he shooed us out. Charmy examined the cat's collar and followed me out onto the sidewalk.

I opened the top to sip on the coffee. The cream seemed to spell something out.


3rd Street

I quickly showed Charmy the cup and we rushed off. She surprisingly stayed right behind me the entire time despite my high stamina and endurance. I looked back and gave her a smile. She smiled back. I suddenly felt a large amount of pain hit me right in the face. Charmy burted into laughter. I got up and realized that I had run face first into a light pole. I rubbed my nose and walked at a slower pace. Charmy was giggling less wildly now.

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