15 years later (epilogue)

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If no one understands this reference I'm gonna be so upset

A young woman stands in her bedroom, it just so happens that today (insert your birthday here) of 2034 is her 34th birthday. Though it was 34 years ago she was given life. it is only today she he will be given a name. What will the name of this young woman be?
>enter name

Zoosmell pooplord

try again, smartass

>try again
Y/N l/N


I sighed, leaving my room but stopping to pet the dog. I came into the kitchen to see Alex making a cup of coffee. "Happy birthday",he smiled, handing the cup to me.
"Thanks",I smiled, standing on my toes to kiss him. Although as our lips connected we heard little feet barreling down the stairs.
"Ew stop kissing we eat in here",our daughter 7 year old daughter Emilia squealed. I only laughed, turning to see her hoisting up the cat by it's armpits.
"What do you want for breakfast?",I questioned, crouching down to her height.
She pondered for a moment before deciding, "cereal"
I nodded, walking towards the kitchen.
"I'll make her the cereal, you go check on the baby",Alex said, putting down his coffee and turning towards the fridge. I went upstairs, gently but opening the nursery door. Our 5 month old son, Daniel. I decided to let him sleep for a little bit longer.
When I walked down stairs I was met with Emilia eating her cereal at the table next to Alex. I sat down as well and there was silence for a moment before she spoke up.
"I have a question"

"Momma,papa, what's reddit?", she inquired
I nearly choked on my coffee as the words left her mouth.
Alex however, had burst out in laughter.
"One of the 5th graders said It was so cool how my parents were apart of the 'reddit crew' were you guys in a street gang?".

"No sweetie, it wasn't a street gang",Alex laughed.
"Believe it or not, before we had you, we were YouTubers", I awkwardly chuckled.
"no way, can I see some of your videos?", she gasped, looking excited.
I took her bowl to put it in the sink, "maybe when you're older".
She went into the living room, to play with the cat or some shit.
As I washed the dishes, Alex wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck.
" it's your birthday you're so old", he muttered making me laugh.
"do you remember my 21st birthday ", I smiled.
"like it was yesterday"


"and they called it puppy loOoOOVe", I drunkenly sang, hanging on to alex for support.
"jUsT beCaUsE wE'rE 17", I giggled, almost falling on the floor with a drink still in hand.
"y/n, you're not 17",Henry reminded.
"shut up discord user bluesdank, you cuck", I started, putting my arm around his shoulders.
"can I braid your hair", I suddenly perked up.
"hell no", he shouted.
"come on Henry, let her braid it", ana encouraged.
"yeah Henry let her braid it", Brandon mocked
I took another sip, laughing at nothing
" I think you've had enough", Alex interrupted, taking the glass from my hands.
"youre not my daddy I'm an adult", I whined, reaching to grab the glass from him.
"i was last night", he whispered
"wOaH gUys, keep it pg", aksel interrupted.


"i feel like such a fuckin boomer", he sighed
"probably cause the author to put an unnecessarily large time skip as an excuse to write about "married with two kids a dog and house on a hill", I mocked.
"mUuUuUmM, Auntie Ani is here", Emilia screeched. Ani walked into the kitchen holding a gift bag. "happy birthday", she laughed.
"uwu Susan you shouldn't have", I chuckled, faking the voice of a soccer mom. The blue bag held a framed photo of us at vidcon together for the first time. Prepubescent 18-year-olds.
"uwu we were so young", I wiped away a fake tear
"now we're boomers, can't drink gfuel without getting all jittery", she sighed.
Our conversation was interrupted by Daniel upstairs crying. I ran up to the nursery, and picked him up. Slowly rocking him back to sleep. It was due time for him to have a bottle. I sat him down, grabbing the milk powder and mixing it. He grabbed onto the bottle with his small hands, laying there with closed eyes.
15 years ago I never would have thought I would be in this situation, yet I couldn't be happier

The end

(I'll probably write more oneshots since I did a whole ass fifteen-year time skip. So except short chapters on him proposing, childbirth, anniversaries, all that good shit)

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