You Can't Handle The Truth

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"I just want the truth." Cas can still hear his own words, ringing in his head.

He calls Bobby, the number three on speed dial. "Bobby, something is terribly wrong." He starts.

"Like how you constantly leave Dean behind, and it's giving him a complex? How you keep breaking his heart?" Bobby interrupts.

"What are you talking about, Bobby? I never broke his heart. He's too strong for that."

"Idjit. Dean is in love with you, and you keep toying with him. I don't care if Heaven AND Hell are riding your ass, you hurt my boy and I'll hunt you down." Bobby growls.

"Bobby, is that true, about Dean?" Cas wonders.

"Of course it's true! He may not have told me, but it's pretty clear, even without words. He's just like his dad. What an ass."

Cas bites his lip, dismayed.

"Bobby, I- I have to go." Cas stutters.

"Damn right. And you better not hurt Dean. Otherwise I'll skin your ass and string you up in my bunker." Bobby threatens.

"Goodbye, Bobby." Cas quickly hangs up.

He stares at the glowing screen, and, flipping the phone closed, flies to Dean's motel room.

Dean isn't there yet, but Cas knows he'll be back soon, so he just sits on the edge of Dean's bed, judging by the strong smell of leather and greasy food, and waits.

A few minutes pass in relative silence, and then Cas hears the Impala pull up, tires crunching over the crumbling road.

Dean walks in, and jumps a little when he notices Cas. "Jesus Cas, a little warning. You know, walking into your motel room to find a good-looking guy like you, it's kind of like the start to a bad porno."

Cas looks up, confused, from the spot on the floor he was studying intently.

"Oh right, you're on the truth drug too. Thanks to me and my stupidity." He realizes aloud.

"I don't think you're stupid, Cas. Yeah, you've made some bad choices and people have manipulated you a lot. But I don't think you're stupid. I think you're smart and good-looking and sometimes a little adorable. You're the best friend I've ever had." Dean argues.

Cas tilts his head.

"That right there! The head tilt. You look adorable when you do that."

Cas looks up at Dean, an idea formulating in his head.

"It's just for a few minutes, before Sam kills Veritas. Why not?" He mutters to himself.

"Dean," he looks into Dean's sparkling eyes. "How do you feel about me?"

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