Love Or In Love?

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"Hey. You killed Veritas? Great. Okay, meet me at the motel room." Dean hangs up.

"So..." Dean starts. "You asked for the truth, didn't you?" Cas nods, nervousness starting to grow in the pit of his stomach.

"Well, I'm glad you weren't driven to kill yourself." Dean says, surprising Cas.

"I actually did get my life threatened- by Bobby, but I think I fixed what he told me to fix, so hopefully that's resolved." Cas replies.

"And what did Bobby tell you to fix?" Dean looks into Cas' eyes.

"He said to stop breaking his boy's heart, or he'd skin me and string me up in his bunker." Cas says quickly.

Dean leans in closer, their faces inches apart. "And how did you fix it?" Dean almost whispers. Cas can feel Dean's breath on his face.

"With a promise. It wasn't words, but I hope it was mutually understood." Cas closes the distance between them, and it draws out another side of Dean, a passionate part of him, that was perhaps concealed for too long. Dean ravages his mouth with a fervor.

I love you, Cas thinks, I love you and I'm not leaving.

As Dean pulls away, breathing deeply to regain some semblance of self-control, he smirks.

"I think I got the message."

Cas smiles, and Dean leans in for another kiss.

That's when Sam walks in the door.

They reluctantly break away, and Dean reprimands Sam. "Quit staring, Sammy."

"What happened?" Sam sounds like a teenage girl, asking her friend for details of her first kiss.

"I asked for the truth. And well, now you know, too." Cas takes Dean's hand.

"Yeah, I knew already. Actually, I think you were the only one who didn't know Dean was in love with you." Sam replies.

Dean blushes. "In love is a pretty strong phrase, there, Sammy."

"And it is the perfect description, Dean. Are you honestly denying that you love Cas?" Sam asks doubtfully.

Cas turns to Dean, slightly fearful now.

"I- I- Of course, I love Cas, but "in love"? That doesn't happen immediately." Dean stutters, trying to explain and reassure Cas.

"Good thing you know Cas pretty well. I mean, he rebuilt your soul and you've been friends ever since." Sam prods.

"Go away, Sam." Dean sighs.

"Fine by me. Meet me in the diner at six, okay? I'm headed to the library." Sam smiles knowingly, and shuts the door behind him.

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