Chapter 3.You Can Regret A Lot Of Things But You'll Never Regret Being Kind

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Relaxed comfy outfit of leggings, a white tank top and pink cardigan? Check.

Extra spare money to spend on case I see more cute clothes to revamp? Double check.

Patience? ...Let's hope Rosalyn is a quick learner or else it will be unchecked very soon.

I go downstairs to the bakery and see Forbes wiping the counter. "Good morning, Forbes."

"Good morning to you, Miss Powers. You can regret a lot of things but you'll never regret being kind." I find it funny how his quotes of the day find a way to be involved with my life, like how I'm being kind by going thrift shopping-something I take very seriously- with a girl I barley know.

"To heal a wound you need to stop touching it. Can I have a tiger tail this morning?" Forbes puts the basket in front of me and I take one. As I take a bite I see a few magazines with a picture of interior decor. "What's up with the decor magazines?" I ask.

"I just moved to a new place and thought I'd spice the place up." Forbes answers. I raise my brow and he sighs.

"Okay, I'm taking some night classes to see if it sparks my interest. I was thinking of doing something on the side rather than just spend all my time baking. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but I do think it would be a good thing to be skilled in more than one area.

"It's never too late to be what you might've been." I tell him. "I'm sure you'll be great at it. You proved you have an eye for color composition when you decorated the wedding cake a few months back."

"Thank you, Lisalotte. You have any plans today?"

"I have plans with a friend." I tell him, putting extra emphasis on the word 'friend'. "She should be here any minute." I add after glancing at my watch. Just then we hear a bell ring and Rosalyn walks into the bakery with a tote bag on her shoulder.

"Hi, Lisalotte. I'm Rosalyn." She says to Forbes, sticking her hand out formal and all. He shakes it graciously.

"A pleasure to meet you. Dreams don't have expiration dates, keep going." Forbes greets.

Rosalyn smiling feature turns confused and I quickly explain. "Forbes gives out quotes everyday to everyone."

Rosalyn turns smiley again. "In that case I'll tell you one too. "Strangers can become best friends and best friends can become strangers."

Wow that was a good one I think as I finish the rest of my tiger tail. "Shall we embark on the quest of finding the best thrift shop clothes?"

"We shall. Goodbye, Forbes." She calls as we link arms and walk out the door.

"Goodbye, girls!"

We walk down the avenue as I explain the basics of going to thrift stores. "I've found that the best stores are actually in a small town near Quebec so I'll take you there first. Upon arrival it is best to look at each and every piece of clothing even if you don't think you'll buy it because one man's trash is another man's treasure. Plus you can use it to upcycle clothes in the future if it doesn't fit."

Rosalyn nods as we board the bus that drips us off at the market square. I take her hand and guide her to the store. "Go crazy. We'll meet back up in an hour."

I go to the crop top section because those items are usually cheaper, especially in the Canadian winter. Almost instantly I find a pink one with a little bow in the front and a rose patch in the corner. I put it in my basket and continue looking, comming across a few more pieces that could make up an outfit even designers of Project Runaway jealous. Whenever I'm thrifting I get into a zone. The only way I can describe it is zen. All my worries seem to evaporate because I know I can take something okay or good and make it great. Within the hour I've collected a few more pieces and meet Rosalyn who also has a basket full of goodies that have potential. After paying for the items we go back to my place to play around with the various pieces we found.

"Woah." Is the first thing Rosalyn says when she sees my room.

What's that supposed to mean? Its always been cozy but it was my room. It's simple with white walls and a twin bed in the corner by the window with a grey comforter I've had for years and a stuffed giraffe I've had since I was a baby. I have a desk in the corner by the door with a sewing machine on it and scraps of fabric scattered around it that gets pushed to one side when I have to utilize it for something else. It has so much sewing material and random knickknacks on it I use my bed as a place to do homework. I have another desk in the other corner where my computer sits because that's the only thing that can fit on there before it topples over. There's a basket of spare tiny squares of fabric I usually use to make scrunchies hiding a wall of doodles. I draw when I get bored. Inside my closet I write down every quote Forbes has told me since we started out tradition. Either my parents haven't discovered it yet or they decide I could be doing cocaine instead of this and decide to let it slide. I really wish they could do that about the water bottles though...

"I like it better than mine." Rosalyn states before her eyes land on my sewing desk. "So this is where the magic happens, huh?"

I suppose beads and patches and a dozen selections of thread color are the equivalent to pixie dust I almost say but I don't. Instead I go, "Yup. It's been that way forever. In the drawer I have some fabric paint in every color of the rainbow and other sequins and beads in these mini spice containers. I and over here..." I trail off gesturing to my drawers of clothes I've outgrown, "Is what can possibly be the first items I sell on my website."

Rosalyn's jaw hit the floor. "You're actually taking up my suggestion?"

I shrug. "You said I could possibly make some money out of it. Who knows, maybe I could buy a place and sell my designs to my customers face to face. And if it fails there's no harm done."

Rosalyn's lips twist into a smile. "I'm glad you decided to give it a shot. Don't forget about me when you're famous and doing fashion shows, okay?" She jokes.

"I won't." I tell her sincerely. "But there's one little hitch...I don't know how to make a website."

Rosalyn seats the air like it's no big deal. "No prob. My cousin taught me how. He's a real techie, that one. Thinks technology is going to evolve beyond our wildest dreams. First I need your computer Second you need a name. Third you need a customer. Then you're open for buissness, baby."

It takes a few hours but the website is finnally made. I called it Make Your Own Magic because that's what these clothes make me feel. If my designs ever land in a customer's hands I can only hope they feel the same way. We took pictures of all my items that don't fit me and uploaded them so they can sell. They may not be hotcakes at first but they'll do.

"Thank you for doing this." I tell Rosalyn as we're doing our own thing with the clothes we bought. She is currently paintings sunflowers on cutoff overalls which is very cute and I'm leaving ribbon through my jeans before tying a knot at the bottom.

"My pleasure. It's pretty cool to have your own website." Rosalyn says as she outlines the petals.

"I mean the whole pushing me to create it in the first place. You did the whole creating thing but I gave in. It could really be something I can live off of in the future." I clarify. "If I ever do get famous I'll credit you that you helped get me started.

"Introduce me to cute french guys during Paris fashion week and that'll be payment enough." She jokes and we both laugh.

I quickly put on the pants and pink shirt from earlier as well as pink sneakers with a horizontal rose on them. "What do you think?"

She looks me up and down. "It's a creative idea, but not my personal style."

"Me either." I say, tugging on the shirt. "Too girly. I guess that going in the drawer of my failed experiments."

"Hey, remember you have that little website going on. Your trash is someone else's treasure." Rosalyn says and fold up the ends of the overalls. "What do you think."

"It's good. Simple, but still good." I tell her and she sets it over by the jean shorts she painted daises around the bottom edge earlier, which is something I haven't thought of.

Unfortunately Rosalyn isn't able to stay until dinner due to family obligations. Forbes gives her a vanilla cupcake before she leaves.  When she does he says to me, "Keep her around. She's a good person."

I smile and reply, "I plan on doing that for a long time."

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