Chapter 6. Looks Are Temporary But Your Soul Will Last Forever

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"I miss you already." Forbes tells me through my pager. "You have no idea how much more boring the bakery is without you already."

I laugh. "I'll visit again soon. What's the quote for today?"

"Looks are temporary but your soul will last forever." Forbes replies. "I was thinking about how you'll be attending parties and how you might see a cute boys. Looks can be deceiving, I know from experience. Just know that when you do find the one it doesn't matter if he's bald or has a beard that reaches the floor-although you might want to trim the latter to make it more manageable and less gross when kissing. If his soul is good that's all that matters."

"First a guy is going to actually have to notice me." I reply.

"Have you seen yourself? I'm surprised you haven't had a boyfriend yet."

"Thanks, but I'm not looking for romance at the moment. I should finish school first so I don't have any distractions."

"Sometimes distractions can be good." Forbes says. "What's your quote?"

"We can't really appreciate home until we leave it." I say. "Even being away for this long makes me second guess myself since I'll now be living on dinning hall food and chips and jumbo sized cups of coffee."

"Not if you come back. I would gladly give you a cookie monster." Forbes replies. A cookie monster is icing between two chocolate chip cookies and will with have Elmo or the Cookie Monster himself iced in it. It has always been my favorite dessert.

"I'll take you up on the offer after I ace a test. It can be my reward for studying." I tell him.

"Great. Listen, I have to go since my break's just about up and we're pretty busy. Learn something good."

"Always do." I say before hanging up.

I am double checking I have all my supplies a few minutes later when a girl with the coolest hair I've ever seen walks through my door. Her hair was originally black as I can see at the roots but it ombres to red and then to orange, looking like fire and ending right above her shoulders

She wears ripped black jeans, a grey tank top, and a maroon letterman jacket with an R on it and white converse with shiny black headphones around her neck. The girl is tall, probably reaching at least 5'10 and is most likely of Hispanic descent. She has thick black eyeliner on but no other traces of makeup. She lugs her bags in and mutters a string of Spanish curses under her breath. It isn't until her brown eyes land on me does she stop.

"Oh..Hi.. didn't see you there." She says.

What else is new. "Hi. Are you my roommate?"

The girl nods. "Danica."

"Lisalotte. You a freshman too?"

"Yup, majoring in engineering. What about you?"

"Buissness." I reply. "Where are you from?"

"Seattle. At first my parents were nervous about me attending college in a whole other country but I managed to win them over. How about you?"

"Alberta." I reply. "Anything else I should know about you?"

Danica pauses for a moment. "The fact that I like rock and roll music that is often played to a volume capable of killing your eardrums. Some other parents have called me a bad influence but the truth is I do what I want because people will judge my decisions regardless. I'll hang out by the train platform to sell my earrings but other than that I'm a regular 19 year old girl."

"Sounds like you're a busy bee." I remark.

"Anything you do for fun?" She asks.

"Make clothes." I reply instantly. "I actually have a little side buissness where I sell some pieces that don't fit me anymore or I don't like for my own taste. It's not much but it's a start."

"That's cool." Danica says and smiles revealing a mouth of orange braces. "Where do you get the clothes?"

"I thrift shop a lot so I usually start with something there and add on to it. In my opinion it's better because you don't have to pay as much money." I explain. "What about you?"

"Promise you won't freak out or do something weird?" She asks hesitantly.

"I have to know what it is before I can promise such a thing."

Danica takes a deep breath. "It might sound weird, but I collect watch over voodoo string dolls. I don't believe they have any real power but they're cute and make for a unique collecting habit."

I raise my eyebrows, not expecting an answer like that in the slightest. "That's.. different." I say say at last.

"Yeah...I figured I may as well be true to myself. I doubt anyone could figure me out even if I came with instructions. I don't need anyone's approval. If they call me weird I just say I'm limited addition cause I'm corny like that. If they don't like me that's their problem, not mine."

This girl should be a motivational speaker. I think. And I tell her too.

She laughs, a loud booming one comming from the pits of her belly. "I've been told on more than one occasion, but I've never liked giving speeches. Imagining the audience in their underwear only makes me tramatized."

"It never works for me either!" I exclaim. I never thought the first thing I would agree with my roommate would be the whole "imagine the audience in their underwear" thing helping with speeches sucks but there's a first time for everything. I help her unload her belongings and before I know it our dorm has been transformed into our room for the year. We go to the mess hall and bond over the mean girls like Carina in our school, the fact that we can both touch our nose with our call tongue, and how much we would gladly make out with Leonardo DiCaprio. Overall it was a good day.

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