Chapter 12. Being Fearless Makes You Stupid

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~Three Years Later~

"I think all the information in my brain is slowly oozing out the longer I talk to you." I tell Forbes.

"I'm sure that isn't true." Forbes counters. "You're smarter than me."

"Nobody can make a donut like you, Forbes." I reply. "All I want to do is graduate and work more hours so I can earn more money and make a name for myself."

"Being fearless makes you stupid." Forbes replies. "Don't get too cocky, you'll make mistakes that way."

"Sometimes we need darkness in order to appreciate the light." I say. "My last final is tommorow so I should probably study. See you."

"Learn something good. It's the last time I'll be able to tell you."

I grin. "Always do."

In three short years so much has changed. My knowledge of buissness and fashion have come a long way and I've worked my way up the ladder in Electric Dream and will now be as to work longer hours due to not going to school anymore. Perhaps this will enable me to create my own clothes. By going to school through the summer I was able to speed up the graduation process, which saves money for my parent's bank account.

I'm tugging on my gown and cap and wincing at how tiny I look. Why did the girls on my Mom's side of the family have to be shorter than 5'5? I turn to Danica, who has a four year plan and will be a seinor next year. She helped me pick out my outfit of a white dress with tiny pink flowers on it and vines stringing them together. I didn't have Rosalyn to help me yet, I would see her after the ceremony. I groaned out loud at the thought of how long my high school one was and how this one would be even longer.

"And there." Danica says after putting the finishing touches on my hair. While I'm good at fashion I suck in the world of hair. It's a braid that eventually unravels into a messy bun in the middle of my head. It looks like not much effort was put in but it's good enough to pass for a ceremony like this.

"Thank you for doing this for me." I tell her honestly.

"Not a prob." Danica replies as she pulls a strand lose. "Now it's perfect." I give her one last hug before going to the building where the rest of the graduating class is waiting. I haven't had class with anyone so I stand against the wall like the wallflower I am. Old habits die hard.

It is finnally time to get in line and my stomach twists into a bundle of nerves. What if I trip on my gown and fall? What if that simple act creates a domino affect of others falling down with me? I'm wearing flats, but still. I could become known as the clumsy girl but they're not far off considering my luck of bumping into people and dropping everything.

I mentally slap myself as the line moves to attend our chairs. In a way I wish the ceremony was indoors, at least it would have air conditioning. The families are fanning themselves with magazines and a hint of pride comes upon me as I notice one of them is Electric Dream. One from a few months ago, but still.

From the length and the heat of the sun I almost fall asleep but manage to stay awake until the end. I meet my parents as well as Forbes, Cash, and Rosalyn, who flew in late last night. They each hug me separately and keep saying how proud they are of me as they snap picture after picture. We eventually go out for lunch and return back to my dorm. Unfortunately Forbes and my parents must return to the bakery but I still have Rosalyn, Danica, and Cash to keep me company.

I change from my dress to jean shorts, a black tank top, and grey jacket. Danica and Rosalyn switch out their shoes for sneakers. Cash switches to a black T-shirt which looks nice with his olive tone jeans and dark brown hair. Rosalyn and Danica have teased me relentlessly about my crush on Cash but manage to keep the wriggling eyebrows to a minimum.

An hour later we're in the thriving city of Quebec and get burgers for a late lunch. When we finish we drive around the city sightseeing before going to the bar. As all this is happening I notice Cash taking pictures of everything. The food, the architecture, the streets, an alley, a discotheque, all the way up until the bar sign. I can't help but wonder if he has any pictures of me.

It isn't long before Danica finds a blonde guy and starts talking to him. When I was going to the restroom I noticed them making out against the wall, which is too much for my eyes. Yes I did see a naked man running down the street but that wasn't so much enjoyable- more so scaring, for my 12 year old self considering I couldn't stop thinking of it.

As Cash gets himself a drink Rosalyn whispers in my ear, "You guys would have cute kids."

"Rosalyn!" I exclaim as I slap her arm. All she does is laugh. "If you would finnally make a move on that cute medical guy in your class you two would have gorgeous kids."

Rosalyn stops laughing. "I don't think I will, he's planning on going to Niagra and getting a job around there. Besides, I don't want kids."

I stop sipping my Pepsi. "How come?"

"I can't even stick a tampon in without wincing in pain, let alone a dick." Rosalyn shrugs. "Besides, a lot of kids going though the adoption process often feel unwanted and like they don't have much of a future. I'd like to give a future to that kid. I think they would be really happy."

I smile and take her hand. "Any kid would be grateful to have you as their mother."

She squeezes mine. "Thank you, Lisalotte." As she sips her drink a guy with red hair comes by our table.

"Rosalyn?" He exclaims.

"Mavous?!" Rosalyn exclaims. Ah, the famous Mavous, the guy Rosalyn was afraid of never seeing again. "What are you doing here?"

"Thought I'd stop by and be at home for a few days." Mavous explains. "What are you doing here?"

"My friend, Lisalotte, was graduating and I thought I'd stop by."

"I was thinking of a new theory procedure and was hoping to run it by you. Since you're hear I might as well. Is it okay if I whisk Rosalyn away for a few minutes, Lisalotte?" Mavous asks me.

I shoot them away. "Take all the time you need." They walk away chattering as Cash comes back to the table and gives me a look.

"Who's he?"

"A friend from school. They went to talk about a procedure or some sort."

"I suppose it's just you and me then." Cash says as the music echoes through the night.

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