Chapter 8. This Chapter Of Life Is Called Happiness

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What do you do when you drop a bunch of very expensive designs in front of one of the most famous people in the industry of fashion? I don't think the answer is laughing to ease the tension.

"I'm so sorry, my nickname has always been Butterfingers since I always manage to drop stuff." I laugh.

"Who are you?" Phoebe asks, her voice cold and demanding, which shut me up real quick.

"Lisalotte Powers. It's a pleasure to meet you." I say, embarassed, especially since I tried to ease the tension to no avail.

Phoebe turns to Yolanda with a mixture of disgust and disaproval written on her face. "This is who I have to approve?"

Yolanda turns white. "Yes Phoebe. I know you two might have gotten off on the wrong foot but in her interview she seemed very capable-"

"I'll be the judge of that." Phoebe says, silencing her. "Might as well get this interview over with, follow me." And I do.

She leads me to her office which is by far the best office I've ever seen. There are windows overlooking the city of Quebec. Her desk is huge and covered with a mixture paperwork and magazines. On the wall I see pictures of magazines throughout the years as well as Cash as he's growing up. There's many at the beach, a few at a lake house in Maine, and a few of him playing baseball. In one he is staring at the camera with a grin on his face, showing his slightly crooked teeth. He was a cute kid which certainly carried on through adulthood.

"Have a seat." Phoebe commands and I do as she says, not wanting to upset her further. "Yolanda hired you. She can have her dumb moments and I certainly hope her hiring you wasn't one of them. Tell me, what made her hire you?"

I swallow. I've never been good with words. "Well, she did mention I'm not like the others who apply for this job."

"How so?" The fashion empress prods.

"She said most girls only want the clothes and trips to Paris." I reply. "They worship you. I've never even heard of this magazine before which probably doesn't work in my favor but I might as well be honest." I say honestly. "I don't know what she saw in me, maybe it was the passion and drive the others lacked. All I know is that I thought this job would be a step to possibly going into the fashion industry one day. There's no better way to learn than from one who paved the way."

"I appreciate your honesty." Phoebe compliments. "It's refreshing. So many of the girls say they'll work hard and give it their all but I know when a job is half-assed." My eyebrows raise at her language but I keep my mouth shut. "Are you still in school?"

"I'm a freshman at McGill University."

"Full time is obviously out if the question. What are your hours?"

"I start at noon. On the day where I have classes I start at 2:00."

"You seem like an honest girl who's willing to work hard. For most approves I would normally press it but just this time I'm willing to let it slide. Something different could be good for our buissness."

I met her eyes. Like Cash's they're a deep, dark green, but hers is more of an olive tone. They seem to burrow their way through my soul to the point where eye contact is intimidating but I hold her gaze. "Even after I dropped some designs?"

Phoebe shrugs. "We all have our days. You're new here anyway. You'll learn fast since that's the only way you'll ever be able to survive here. Good luck and don't let me down."

"I won't." I say.

"You can go to where you found Yolanda." Phoebe tells me. "She should be on the 16th floor, where the photoshoots take place. She'll guide you through them."

"Thank you." I reply and get on my way to the elevator.

Phoebe Alva certainly isn't anyone to be messed with. I think as I step out onto the 16th floor. She just knows what she likes and how to do it well. You certainly can't blame her for that.

I see a fashionable man in his mid-30s in bright yellow pants and a navy dress shirt with a brown hat. I would normally think the pants to be a bit much but he somehow pulls it off stylishly. I guess people who work here have to have style considering Phoebe is a goddess in this building but whatever. I go over to Yolanda who is currently pondering over which jean jacket to pair with a pink dress that hugs the skin.

"I personally would choose the one with cherry blossoms in it for the pink." I whisper in her ear. "And these shoes." They're rose gold with little bows on them. Not my style but compared to everything else in here, one of the better options. I slip out to run into the man with the yellow pants, almost making him drop the designs. What is it with me and falling designs today?

"Im so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going and-"

The man laughs. "It's alright, you're already doing better than the last girl. Im Baron, head of my team of designers who specialize in dresses."

"Lisalotte." I reply. "Just got hired."

"I suppose you're wandering around for something to do?" He asks and I nod. "You can help me transport everything. Phoebe has to approve everything from the clothes to how flexible our schedule can be. You'll get used to it since that's the only way you'll make it through here."

"Alright, Baron." We travel between floors and carry boxes that would pay lease for the bakery for the whole year. When clothes is done we go on to accessories and shoes and jewelery. By the time we finish I'm starving and want nothing but a cherry danish. It continues until late afternoon when Yolanda finnally tells me I can go home.

I collapse into my bed with my clothes still on. Danica gives me a look. "Where were you today?"

"At a new job for Electric Dream."

"The magazine girls obsess over? Not what I would take but good job." Danica slides a plate with a slice of apple pice on it.

"Thank you." I reply.

She doesn't bombard me with questions and for that I am thankful. Before I go to bed I remember a quote Forbes told me on my first day of high school. This chapter of life is called happiness I believe it was. I'm not sure if that was for high school alone but I hope it also carries into this college one.
What do we think? I either like a chapter or don't, and I personally don't like this one as much. But I wanted to get something out. Oh well. I have other chapters planned that will hopefully make up for it. :)

Tay 🌺

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