A little bit about myself (Also my mom is missing my birthday so)

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Anyway I'm going to share 10 things about myself.....because I have nothing else to do so here ya go

1. I love cats

2. I am obsessed with voltron currently

3. I love RP's and will do one with you on my messages or in the comments

4. I am not social

5. My zodiac sign is a Virgo

6. My birthday is augest 28

7. I am bisexual

8. I love sleeping

9. I love horror movies and anime

10. I love all the people that are willing to read this scrappy story of mine

Okay so you know my mom is in the hospital right? Well guess what THE MOTHER FUCKING HOSPITAL IS MEAN AND SO IS MY MOMS FUCKING DYING HEART BECAUSE MY MOM WONT BE ABLE TO CELEBRATE MY BIRTHDAY! and I'm turning into a teen ;-; but other than that I think she's doing good! Anyway I'm out Bai my little void wolf's! Also I'm making another story it currently has 2 parts published but I'm working on the 3 also I'm working with my step-sister on the story.......that's how bad I need help anyway I gtg bai! It's called the loyalty of an avian so please go read it

(That is what I am going to call you all)


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