chapter 6

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Hey loves, I'm very sorry for the YEAR LATE update! I kinda deleted wattpad and at the time of publishing my stories, no one seemed super interested so I didn't think me not updating would be an issue. But, after coming back to discover over 1000 notifications, I realised I should probably update. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

- Yoongi's POV -

"Shhhh angel, I'm here. Nothing is ever going to hurt you, from now on I will always be here to protect you. okay?" I say, stroking his delicate tears with my thumb as he looks up at me and nods before wrapping his arms around my neck and burying his face in my shoulder. I wrap my arms around his waist, wrapping his legs around me before carrying him into the bathroom. I grab a towel and dry him off as much as I could before carrying him back into the bedroom.

I take an oversized baby pink hoodie and a pair of joggers out of his closet handing them to him to put on, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable by dressing him myself. I turn my back to him, looking at the wall before I feel a small tap on my shoulder followed by a shy whisper.

"c-can y-you h-help m-me get changed?" he asks in a soft voice, looking up at my nervously as I smile back at him and nod. I slide his shirt off, trying not to stare at his body. I place my hands on his waist as I grab the hoodie putting it over his head. I ruffle his hair to fix it back into place as he laugh, pushing my hand away. I take off his joggers and slide new ones on before kissing his forehead.

"all done." I say, picking him back up and laying on the bed with him in my arms.

"Y-Yoongi...t-thank you for c-coming over to m-me tonight. I-I don't know what I would've done-" I don't let him finish as I place my lips against his, cupping his face softly feeling his lips melt against mine as he grips onto my hair.

"Don't thank me." I say after pulling away from his lips, looking into his eyes before looking back down at his lips. He smiles back at me before looking away for a moment, seeming distant, like he went into a faze of deep thought. I tilt his face back to look at mine, raising an eyebrow in concern.

"Angel, do you want me to make your problems go away?" I ask, knowing he knows that I'm referencing Ji Soo. I can see his eyes go from side to side as he thinks about his answer. I firmly grip his waist pulling him into my chest hugging him as tight as I can.

"It's alright baby, you don't have to answer me now. Just relax for now, I'll make sure nothing hurts you." I say, stroking his head as I listen to his soft breathing against my chest. After a short amount of time, I hear small snores from the figure laying on my chest. I chuckle, kissing his forehead before grabbing my phone.

I walk outside onto the balcony, shutting the door behind me to stop the cold from getting into the room. I open my phone, ringing Hoesok.

"Hoseok, I need your help to get someone far away from the city. Like we used to." I say down the phone, hearing him hum from the other end of the phone. I hear him getting out of bed and going to his desk where his laptop is.

"Who is it? It's harder to get rid of people now since people are constantly watching us." He says as I sigh, not knowing if I want him to know who it is just yet.

"It's someone that's been harassing someone very important to me." I respond, using vague phrases to try and avoid being specific and concise. I hear him chuckle before sighing.

"Jimin, isn't it." He says confidently as I groan rolling my eyes.

"Yeah it is, but you can't go talking shit to Namjoon or he'll try and stop us. How did you even know I was talking about Jimin?" I ask, pacing across the balcony being careful not to slip on the wet floor.

"I wasn't planning on, I know how he is with his morals. He's the only person you've shown interest in, I think ever. You were so panicked when you were trying to find him, it was the first time I've seen you be genuinely concerned for another human being. I'm guessing you want to dispose of Ji Soo." He says, the sound of typing faint in the background.

"Yeah, again how did you know that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at how much information Hoseok seemed to know without even knowing Jimin.

"When tracking his IP, I came across his instagram, Jimin's instagram, and stumbled across the comments from his account. The threatening comments weren't hard to miss. However, he disabled his account after Jimin's fans started attacking him and reporting him." He says as I lean against the wall, running my free hand through my hair before speaking.

"Really? I'm not suprised his fans did that he's an asshole." I say back to him as he hums in agreement, typing something else into his computer as I sigh taking a few deep breaths.

"Yeah, but since he disabled his account it's harder to get an active private IP from him." He informs me as I groan, clenching my fist.

"Does that mean it will be harder to track him down?" I ask, waiting to hear Hoseok's confirmation.

"That's exactly what I mean." I groan at his response, pushing myself off the wall as I hold the bridge of my nose for a moment.

"But it won't be impossible, he's bound to have other social media accounts. Maybe Jimin knows his whereabouts?" He says as I nod, looking through the balcony door to see him sleeping on the bed peacefully.

"Yeah alright, I'll talk to you more about this in person when I've asked Jimin about it."

"Alright bro, I'll see you tomorrow. Stay safe." He says before hanging up. I take my phone away from my face, walking to the balcony door. I open it and go inside, placing my phone next to the bed on the table before getting into bed next to him, placing his head on my chest.I sigh, running my fingers through my hair before looking back down at him, seeing his peaceful face resting against my chest. I smile widely, stroking some hair away from his face. The rain rolling down the window, blurring the city lights into a wash of bright luminous colour.

I hope I'll be able to catch that bastard soon.

Thank you so much for reading, I'm so sorry if you didn't like this chapter! Please let me know what you think by commenting! Any suggestions are welcome. Also Ji Soo, isn't Jisoo from black pink, it's the actor just to clear some misconceptions up. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will try my hardest to update regularly but I can't promise! I love you guys very much and I hope you have a lovely day!

[not edited/proof read]

Camboy - Yoonmin जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें