Part 4

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"are you trying to flirt with me?"

"is it working?"

"i'll admit you have me a bit flustered."

"i guess i'm doing it right then,"

jungkook surveyed taehyungs outfit and it was clear that he was checking out taehyung. suddenly taehyung felt a bit more exposed.

"what do you want?" taehyung asked hesitantly.



"-r friendship. yeah your friendship"

"okay. let's hang out then"

"i just have one question" jungkook leaned forward and rested his chin on the palm of his hand.

"did you wear panties today?"

taehyungs eyes widened," i don't think friends ask each other questions like this."

"okay truthfully i dont want to just be friends."

"sorry not interested. i'm into someone else at the moment."

"is he interested in you though?"

taehyung paused and looked at jungkook. "i didn't tell you his gender."

jungkook had been caught.

"i.. uh. okay i asked yoongi to ask jimin about you. im sorry after yesterday you've been in my head."

taehyung blushed profusely. "what? why?"

jungkook looked at him in shock. "have you seen yourself? you're fucking ethereal!"

taehyung was being swayed by jungkooks words very quickly.

"come on. go on a date with me. i think you would enjoy being around me." taehyung paused to consider the offer.

"maybe. i have to think about it. i've been crushing on hoseok for a while now."

"he's not even that good of a guy i bet i could treat you so much better."

"is that how you talk about all of your teammates?"

"only to the guy i'm intrested in." he threw taehyung a wink. "how about it? today after practice?"


"alright. see you later peach" jungkook gently took taehyungs hand and kissed his knuckles. then he stood up and left the room to get to his next lecture.

what is going on?

taehyung put his laptop back into his bag and went to his photography class.

jimin was sitting there waiting for him.

"what took you so long?"

"oh you know, watching youtube videos and getting asked out by jeon jungkook"

"ah okay" jimin processed what taehyung said,"wait what?"

"remember yesterday when-"

the professor walked into the room and demanded silence.

taehyung looked to jimin and nodded. a silent confirmation that they would be talking about it after class.

right after the class the two boys headed to the dining hall for lunch.

"so yesterday i went to change in the lockerroom because you know i didn't want to be seen wearing panties. but luck was clearly not on my side as jungkook just had to walk in."

speak of the devil and he shall appear because at that second jungkook and yoongi walked right to their table.

"hey jimin" yoongi sat in the chair right next to jimin and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. he looked up at a shocked taehyung,"hey taehyung"

jungkook sat next to taehyung. who couldn't help but ask,"what are you two doing here?"

"i already told jimin that i would be here today," taehyung nodded remembering the morning.

"and i just wanted to see you peach." jungkook smirked while taehyung just about melted from the petname.

"peach?" jimin questioned.

"his ass looks just like one,"jungkook commented. taehyungs face quickly changed to one of displeasure. he punched jungkook on the arm.

"okay fine i'll find something better to call you" he raised his hands up to surrender

"maybe i should call you babycakes because you have so much cake."

taehyung's face got red. he covered his face with his hands when he felt his cheeks heat up.

"stop talking about my ass,"

"it's so hard for me to forget your beautiful body."

he leaned in and whispered to taehyung, "and i can't stop thinking about all the things i want to do to it." he rested his hand on taehyungs upper thigh.

jimin and yoongi watched the interaction that occurred between the two males sitting across from them.

"wait a second." yoongi spoke up,"when did you see his body jungkook."

jungkook froze "uh.." yoongi chuckled at the guilty jungkook. he tried to shift the conversation, "when did you and jimin start dating?"

yoongi looked over at jimin who was looking down at his food pretending he hadn't heard anything.

"jimin when do you want to start dating?" jimin looked up at yoongi with wide eyes.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Gimme a V
Gimme an O
Gimme a T
Gimme an E
What does that spell?
What you're going to do right now !!😊

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