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~~~- Daniel's P

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- Daniel's P.O.V -
- June 11th 2023 -

"Good morning my beautiful little drop of sunshine." ~I smiled, picking our little girl up.

She smiled and wriggled around in my arms as I kissed the top of her head then sat down next to Fallon.

She sat with Alex cuddled up to her side with Caleb in her arms asleep.

Fallon rested her head on my shoulder and I smiled, wrapping one arm around her waist and resting Charlotte on my lap.

"And once again, we have another two beautiful little angels to bring into our family." ~Fallon smiled.

"And I'm glad the fans love all of our kids and that most of them support our relationship. I just hate that some fans hate you because of your dad." ~Daniel.

"Hey, we talked about this! My dad is an idiot and the fans can't seem to see who I really am, and that's their problem, we can't force them to love me, I don't love everyone I know! It's just life." ~Fallon.

I smiled and kissed the side of her head as Caleb woke up and looked up at Fallon.

He smiled then started crying so she picked him up and checked his nappy.

She squirmed and I laughed as she carried him upstairs to change him while I sat with Charlotte.

"Daddy, can I play on your phone?" ~Alex.

"Sure kiddo, here you go." ~Daniel.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and passed it to him after I unlocked it.

He sat playing on my phone as I watched him.

It felt good to be able to walk again, it still hurt a little bit and I had a small limp but I could finally do things with my family again!

I could finally get in the pool with everyone, I could finally pick the kids up and run around the house with them.

I could finally give Fallon a real hug without awkwardly side hugging her.

It felt good to be back and in good time too because our last week of the tour was soon and I was actually fit enough to dance on stage!

"Hey, buddy!" ~Zach smiled as he walked through the door.

"Hey Zach, how have you been?" ~I asked and stood up.

"I've been good, Kelsey's waiting in the car so I can't stay for long but after tour is over we should all go to six flags." ~Zach.

"Yeah, that's a great idea! I'll tell Fallon when she finishes up with Caleb." ~Daniel.

He nodded and we did our handshake before leaving the house once again, I heard him start his car up and smiled as he drove off down the road.

Last time we all went to six flags, Fallon and Christina didn't feel well so let's just hope next time we go they feel better than they did before!


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