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This chapter has been updated and changes have been made.

Jesse: Are u guys ready?

Marcus: yeah
I am

Edurne: I'm so excited

Maja: me too
Now that we have a new person in the group

Elle: Yeah
I'm ready

Jesse: I'm coming in a few minutes to meet u

Evelina: All set

Juan: see u guys and girls soon

Luke: okkk

At the restaurant
Elle's POV

"Are you ready to meet my friends?" Jesse asked as he held my hand tightly.

I responded, "Yeah but I'm kind of nervous."


"What if your friends don't like me and what if...

"Why won't they like you?"

"I'm the sister of John Stones!" I claimed as I unhooked my hand from his.

"That doesn't matter, Elle. I love you, that's all," he said in an attempt to make me feel better but it wasn't his fault. He did not know why I was still in a relationship with him.

"Now shall we go or do u have an intention to remain in the car?" he asked."I think you want to have a make out session with me!"

"Oh Jesse! Not the time." I stopped him.

Jesse got off his black Mercedes and fixed his outfit. He was wearing his white  Jlingz shirt and his black trousers. He paired his outfit with white vans.

I was wearing a classy black mini dress. I paired it black boots and my hair was straightened.

I got off the car and held Jesse's hand.

"Relax Elle, my friends won't eat you," he said.


We entered the restaurant and Jesse guided me to a private lounge where there was a long dining table and the cutlery was well are arranged on the table. The room was filled with Manchester United players and their wives.

"Hey Jesse, long time no see," A lady wearing a peach coloured midi dress with beach blonde hair said who I totally guessed was Edurne Garcia, the girlfriend of David de Gea.

"Hey!" Luke Shaw exclaimed.

"Hey Elle. I'm Edurne Garcia. David's girlfriend," the blonde girl said.

"Hi Edurne! Hi Luke," I said.

"Ladies and gentlemen,may I have your attention please?" Jesse said.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Jesse. "So friends, this is Elle, my new girlfriend."

"Elle! Oh my goodness! Hi!" David beamed as he gave me a friendly hug.

"Hey guys!"

Jesse introduced me to all the players and their wives. They were pretty cool especially Sam Smalling and Nemanja Matic. Aleksandra could not stop talking and Edurne could not stop laughing at David and Juan.

Finally it was dinner time. I sat between Jesse and Monique. Juan and Victor were having a debate over Barcelona losing its first game.

"Oh please. Barcelona is nothing without Messi," Juan said.

"No way. Barcelona is a good team. It's just that yesterday many players ended up making mistakes. And griezmann wasn't even involved," Victor said.

"Oh come on," Juan said.

"Oh god guys. Stop it.We're here for dinner not for a debate," Kaya said.

"Yeah, let's have dinner peacefully," Ashley said.

We had our dinner with lots of fun. Andreas was cracking jokes and Diogo was bullying him. At last we finished our dinner and it was time to get back home.

"Bye guys. It was a pleasure for me to meet u all," I said before leaving the lounge.

Getting out of the lounge, my eyes were filled with tears. Not having control over myself, I let them fall.

"How can I do this to them? It's all Jesse's fault." I said to myself. "I wish I didn't have to do this act. I can't betray such nice people."

Taking out a tissue paper, I wiped my tears and was about to call my driver when someone called me out, "Elle!" I turned around to see Jesse running towards me. Oh god, not him again.

"Elle, where are you going?" He asked as he took a deep breath.

"I'm going home, Jesse." I took out my phone, searching for the number of my driver. "Please don't." Jesse held my wrist and pleaded.

"Jesse, what the heck man!?" I yelled. "In case, you forgot, but I got a home. My brother is waiting for me." I paused. "Do you even realise what's going on?"

"Calm down, why are you getting so hyper?"

"Hyper!? I'm getting hyper? I demanded as I looked at him angrily. "Look, I don't want to be your girlfriend! Understand that. We aren't even friends!" I stated and marched towards the exit leaving him behind.


(New update) Hi guys.
I made many changed as you all can see. I changed the whole plot of Jesse and Holly. I feel their relationship was too happy happy and all. And also the book started getting boring so I had to change it. Sorry for the Jesse fans.

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