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This chapter has been updated and changes have been made.

Young: guys😊

Sam: what is it?😠

Kaya: that was so rude,Sam!👿

Sam: yeah whatever😈

Young: why are Chris and you angry at me?😶

Chris: cuz you're in italy and didnt come to meet us once😐

Daniel: whatever
I'm so happy here💩

Luke: Dubai is stunning🙉

Eliana: gee,Daniel,you spilt your milkshake
I saw that on Ria's story😹

Ria:yeah sometimes he behaves like a 10 year old child😾

Marcos: geeez
Dont say that
I've kids around the age of 10 and they're more mature and responsible than Dan👀

Young: fine
I promise to come meet Chris and Sam soon

Chris: k

Sam: we're waiting🤙🏻

Daniel: the heck Marcos?

Scott: geeeeee
Marcos, I miss you🙎🏼‍♂️

Marcos: I miss you guys as well

Paul: woah
What's with all this 'geeeee'?🤷🏾‍♂️

Edurne: they're teens,Paul🤴🏽

Marcus: where's the king of teens aka Mr Jesse Lingard?

Isabel: oh yeah
The teen?

Jesse: leave me alone Paul☃️

Paul: over my dead body

Marcus: so should I do the deed?

Diogo: of what?

Marcus: ending Jesse

Elle: I can help you in that😐

Evelina:are you still mad at Jesse?😊

Elle: I've always been

Evelina: good
Don't get carried away by his sweet words😹

Hey guys!
Sorry but I wrote this chapter months ago
That's why the events are late.
And be safe.

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