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I've always known Xander was the one for me

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I've always known Xander was the one for me. He was completely perfect in every way. He could make me second guess my morals just by looking at me. I was in love with him. My whole life was planned around the idea of us; him in the NBA and me becoming a world-class surgeon.

I often thought about him during ballet class. I absolutely despised ballet but I wouldn't dream of saying those words aloud. It made daddy so proud to see his little girl learning the proper grace of a woman; which in his book meant ballet. He always told me ballet would teach me much more than how to dance, but discipline and grace. If I'm being quite frank though, all it taught me was how to completely ruin my feet and waste my time.

I usually never let my mind wander from the task at hand but when it comes to ballet, I count the seconds until I get to leave. I find no point in twirling for an hour and a half three times a week when I could be using my time more valuably. After all, Yale doesn't accept people based on how well their arabesque is. Tonight's class felt especially long since Xander told me he had something to tell me after class.

Thankfully that kept my mind busy for the majority of class. I secretly hoped tonight would be the night he would tell me the three words I've been silently begging him to say. Even just once and I'd be satisfied. Granted I've never said it to him either but pride was always one of the sins I could never banish from myself.

As soon as the clock struck 8:15 I immediately left class without saying goodbye to anyone; I was on a mission. I hadn't seen Xander since Monday and I was craving him. He picks me up from class every Friday and drives me home (this only being due to the fact that I wanted more time with him and suggested, well, more like demanded, I be driven home). He wasn't too thrilled about this idea at first but I can tell he's lightened up about it.

When I walked out into the parking lot and didn't see his BMW's headlights I felt my heart drop. A slight panic arose but I quickly pushed it down and regained my composure, taking a second look around the parking lot.

He's late.

I set my bag on the pavement and searched for my phone in the front pocket. There wasn't even a single text from him excusing his absence. I clicked his contact and called him, pressing the cold glass against my ear. Just as I figured he wasn't gonna answer, his voice lit up the dial tones.

"What is it, Avia?" His deep voice sounded annoyed but I knew it was probably from someone on the roads making him late to pick me up.

"Darling! Class ended ten minutes ago but you're just in traffic right?" I couldn't contain my excitement for him.

"Huh?" Xander was obviously trying to play a prank on me and pretend he forgot me, he was funny like that. I could expect him to pull into the parking lot any minute now and surprise me.

"Oh the jokes over, baby. We can talk in the car, come on it's cold out here and you know I hate this weather," I simply stated, still trying to sound light hearted and fun.

"Seriously, Avia, what are you talking about? I just woke up," my stomach dropped at this, making me take a deep breath and at least attempt to hide my disappointment.

Closing my eyes and squeezing my hand into a fist by my side I spoke without any leisure in my tone this time "I just got out of ballet, you dumbass. Come get me right now."

I hung up without hearing his excuses and made my way back inside the lobby. There was no way in hell I would be freezing tonight. My ballet teacher hated me just about as much as I despised her so seeing me in her lobby after hours really rung her bells. I guess Xander abandoning me here had its perks.

I shouldn't be too hard on Xander. After all basketball season did just start up again and he has a lot on his plate. Daddy's chauffeur could have easily gotten me but Arthur just isn't as much eye candy as my dear Xander. He was truly perfect. Just looking at the muscles in his arms tense as he turned the wheel or shift gears made me fall in love with him all over again. The way the LED lights from his dashboard flowed off his dark brown skin, his deep black eyes, the tight curls that sprung from all sides of his head. Everything about him have me chills; he was radiant and he was mine.

My legs squeezed tighter than before at the thought of him and I caught myself smiling just a little. My phone buzzed on my lap and brought me out of my euphoric thoughts. I thought it was going to be a text from Xander telling me he was here, but it was one of my study alarms instead. Quickly shutting it off, I began to stress and think about all of the assignments I could be getting done right now. Chemistry waits for no woman, and I'm no exception. I began running over all the formulas in my head and struggling to remember which problems were on the homework.

I know how I must look when I stress over something so base like Chemistry homework but it's like OCD. I can't get the thought of homework being undone out of my head. I like to think that this mindset has helped me get where I am today: I'm number one in my class with a 5.0 GPA and I'm on track to graduate Valedictorian with my Associates degree already under my belt. I'm perfect Yale material; that's what daddy always says. Once I get accepted into Yale I'll officially be the fourth generation Westbrook to attend such a prestigious school.

Headlights flashed though the glass and this time I knew it was my Xander. I quickly got up and smoothed down my leotard before exiting.

The cold air bit my bare skin and I shivered, picking up my pace as I headed towards the passengers side of his car. When I got in I wore the biggest smile of the day and placed my ballet bag in the back seat, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"How was your day?" I asked, still smiling. I held my hand out patiently, waiting for him to intertwine his fingers with mine. He hated holding hands but it comforted me, especially after a long grueling day like today.

"Really, Avia? I already drove all the way out here to get you, can't it wait until tomorrow or something?" His hands remained on the wheel and he still hadn't looked at me since I got in the car.

"It's not like I'm asking you to braid my hair, I just wanna hold your hand," my voice was quiet and timid as I said this. I always get what I want and as much as I hated to manipulate Xander, I was a desperate girl in desperate times.

He sighed at this and threw his hand into mine, tired of me getting my way. I gave it a squeeze and grinned from ear to ear, gazing out the window and noticing how perfectly our hands fit together. I could swear that God made me for him. I was his grace.

"What did you wanna tell me, baby?" My voice chirped when I noticed we were getting close to my house.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I can't pick you up from ballet anymore. Coach wants us to put in overtime this season and we need to be undefeated this year, Avia, it's really important to me, you understand, right, baby?" He finally looked me in the eyes and rubbed his thumb against the palm of my hand.

"Yeah I understand," I in fact did not understand.

"Great," he broke our eye contact and pulled into my driveway.


And that was chapter one!! I've been holding this book in my clutches for about 2 months now and I finally feel confident enough to release the first chapter (I edited it about a million times). Anyway, this is probably my favorite book so far and I love how the characters are coming out. Since Wattpad got rid of their 'cast' feature ill just write who i see them as. I think Vanessa hudgens really matches Avia's entire vibe and aesthetic shes honestly the PERFECT fit. xoxo-molly

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