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I watched closely as the teacher showed us how to transform decimal notations into scientific ones. If there was any subject that I hated going to, it was Chemistry. I'm used to spending entire nights studying, even when I completely understand the concept I run it over in my head about twenty times until I feel capable enough to teach it to an infant. Chemistry though, even when I dedicate entire weekends to it, nothing sticks. It's foreign to me to not be able to understand a class, a feeling I could certainly live without.

This class was somehow my favorite though; Xander was in it. As always, I assigned myself the seat directly parallel to the board in the first row. Xander on the other hand sat in the back and barely paid attention. I never really got the chance to look back and admire his features but just the thought of knowing that he was in the same room as me was enough to send my heart flying.

Another part of this class that annoyed me: Haley Jean. She's the only person I'd even begin to consider a friend (besides Xander). She beats me in everything without even trying and I admire it in some twisted, competitive way.

She's every guys wet dream: long silky black waves down her back, gorgeous caramel eyes, the salutatorian of our class, varsity volleyball captain, everything about her made guys desire her. Oh but does Haley even realize it? Of course not, but that just adds to it all.

Haley sat next to me in every class except AP Algebra. She sat with one of the guys that are madly in love with her in that one. The only reason I even talk to her is cause I admire the fact that she's the only student to even come close to my class rank. School comes easy to her, as does everything else, but I have to work for every single grade I get. There hasn't been a night where that I haven't dedicated to studying and completing assignments. Even the nights that I spend at Haley's, when she finishes everything within the first hour, I'm still at her desk triple checking every answer.

Mrs. Parker was no exception to haley's awestruck crowd. All it took for her to fall at Haley's feet was her perfect test scores; she gets a perfect 100 plus bonus questions on every test we've ever taken. Maybe it was her natural bouncy disposition that made people feel bright and sunny inside. That's a question I've been trying to find the answer to since freshman year.

Haley got tired of listening to the lesson and stole her phone from her bag, probably texting one of her "friends" or whatever she calls the guys she likes to play with. The clicking of her keyboard, as much as my ego hated to admit it, broke my concentration. I gripped my pencil a little tighter and tried to listen as Mrs. Parker's voice reviewed the PowerPoint.

I'm not gonna hide the fact that I get annoyed easily, it's not like I'm ashamed of it or anything. Dealing with people was never my forte. That's why when Haley let out a short breath of laughter I lost it. "Haley do you mind keeping your toys busy without distracting the rest of the class?" I made sure my frustrated voice barely rose above a whisper.

She looked around and smiled lightly "uh, Avia do you realize that no ones paying attention? Even Xander's talking," Her default tone was always sweet. It didn't matter what I said to her she always sounded happy, thus making me the bad guy in this friendship.

I glanced in the back of the class quickly after making sure I wasn't missing anything major in the notes and saw that he was, in fact, talking. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying my hardest to not look angry. "Xander doesn't bother me. He's in the back. You're right next to me," I simply played my words and forced my lips into a tight smile.

She raised her eyebrows in a condescending way and looked back at her phone. Her notes were already pre-written from the night before, perfectly highlighted and straight. Some would say she does it to be a scholar but I say she does it so she can flirt with boys the entire class.

Despite my best efforts to ignore her constant laughing and clicking, I couldn't concentrate on the rest of the lesson. So when the bell rung I carefully gathered my stuff and waited by my desk for Xander to come. I left my bag sitting on my chair for him to pick up and carry to my next class with me. He was a true southern gentleman like that. Of course I'd expect nothing less though, my daddy raised me to expect only the highest of manners. Xander certainly met this expectation.

My patience had ended with Haley when she called him over to her desk instead and began chatting with him. The second bell was going to ring in two minutes and my next class was all the way on the other side of the building. There would be no time for him to accompany me to Algebra if she kept it at this rate. Of every guy she could talk to she just had to choose my Xander. Of course he didn't wanna talk with her but he's too nice to deny any lady the pleasure of a conversation with him. See, a true gentleman.

I quickly grew impatient and began loudly tapping my suede black flats against the tile, picking at my manicure. "Xander?" I reminded him of my presence.

He ignored my voice and laughed with Haley. The bell was going to ring in 45 seconds. There was no way I was going to be late to class because of her. I grabbed my back myself and stormed out of that class, so quickly that the backs of my shoes were clapping against the floor as I walked.

My mind was clouded with annoyance. I still had to stop at my locker to trade my Chemistry notebook for my calculator. On my way there, a slender body collided into mine, nearly knocking me over. This is the last thing I needed today, another delay. Looking up angrily, I saw the pastor's son, Valentino. God I couldn't even be aggravated at him, he's literally the embodiment of purity. Even if it wasn't morally wrong to hate someone born into the church, he's the headmaster's son and I don't need my letter of recommendation to have any hard feelings towards me because I told his son to fuck off.

"Don't drop your books there, Aria," He teased and smiled sweetly, making sure I was steady before walking away. I wasn't in the mood to correct him on my name, instead I hoped I didn't need my calculator for the lesson today and ran to class with ten seconds left.

This chapter kinda took a long time to write but it's cause I needed to get a good vibe for avia's personality. I think I got it now. Xoxo-Molly

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