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"June don't make me go," I sulked into her clean-smelling fur. Her droopy brown eyes glared up at me, begging me to get off her and go to school. 

"Fine, I'll go but you cant make me talk to him," I pushed myself off her and straightened my skirt before grabbing my keys off the nightstand. "I'm serious , June, I'm mad at him," I said, trying to convince myself more than her.

Conquering the parking lot was a struggle I hadn't exactly accounted for. I was used to being picked up by him and just simply getting out of the car. Being the varsity basketball captain he was he had some authority over the student body, which meant that no one parked in the first spot from the school. It was his divine right here at Saint Mary's. Me on the other hand, well I hadn't driven myself to school in so long that I could barely even remember where the student section was. 

The clock on my dashboard read 8:10 AM, school was starting in five minutes and somehow I was still circling the parking lot like an idiot. Cutting the wheel quickly, I pulled into the last available parking spot farthest from the school. 

My feet rushed across the pavement as I passed Xander's car, not even looking up for more than a second to recognize the black BMW, I crashed into somebody. A part of me wished it was Xander, a part that missed him and craved him. The other part was beyond grateful that it wasn't, the part that couldn't get the image of Haley out of my mind. 

"You again?" My patience was wearing thin with him, he always bumped into me at the most inconvenient moments. 

"I should be saying that to you, you bumped into me, Missy," he smiled gently, steadying me on my feet, "Well don't you have a thing for being late to class," he jokingly assumed.

"Not particularly," I shrugged his hands off my shoulders and tapped my foot anxiously, I've never been late for class before; it's bad taste if you ever wanna be respected.

"Then I guess it's just a coincidence you've run into me with less than a minute to spare before the bell twice this week, right?" His teasing voice echoes through the quiet parking lot.

"Yep," I shoved past him and scurried to English. Valentino was in that class too, but I put it past me to wonder why he was even out there. Well... almost, "Hey, aren't you in English first period with Butler?" I stopped, quickly glancing down at my phone to see I had 45 seconds left. 

"Yeah but I'm getting something from my friends car for her," his response was curt as he didn't even turn around. He didn't have to worry about being late; the staff loved him and his father. I guess it pays to be the headmaster's son. Me on the other hand, I could've made the track team with the way I just ran to class.

English was my forte, it always came easy to me, of course it did, I was reading classic literature in the second grade. Daddy raised a prodigy. 

Today's class was outlining; we were to begin structuring our essay on the independent meaning behind 'The Odyssey'. I of course, already worked on the assignment days prior. I was never good at working in groups, that's why I mastered an independent sport; sure ballet had recitals and shows but it wasn't really teamwork, everything relied on your own strengths and training. I was even worse when it came to school, no one was going to stop me from maintaining my perfect GPA, especially not some wannabe ivy-leaguer. 

The only person in this class I'd even consider  letting help with a project is Haley, but even then I'm weary. So when Butler partnered me with Valentino Marchesi, I was glad I'd been prepared. 

"Just so you know, I've already outlined the essay, you don't have to do anything," I offered him a fake smile. 

"No offense, Aria, but I don't know that I trust your judgement, my grade's pretty high in this class," he mimicked my face.

That simple sentence left me astonished. No one's ever questioned my judgement on schoolwork before. It was actually quite offensive. "Excuse you, what makes you think I'd trust yours either? I'm the top of our class," I threw in my status to assert my dominance; I'm a feminist. 

"Okay, then you wont mind if I look over it, will you?" His caramel eyes tested mine, he held his hand out for me to put the outline in. Setting it in his hand, I crossed my legs and sat back gracefully as I waited for him to praise my work. In the catholic faith pride was a sin, one I went to confession for quite often. 

"I don't mean to be rude but your conclusion's thesis-restate isn't placed correctly. If you put it as the last sentence rather then the first it'll leave a lasting effect on the reader," he handed it back and I pursed my lips, fully ready to debate this topic. 

His silk voice stopped me before I even started, "Y'know what, just give me your number and we can agree on how to organize it later tonight," before I knew it he slid his phone from the front pocket of his khakis onto the wooden desk with ease.  I sat there wide-eyed; there's no way he expected me to give him my number, let alone touch his phone. No way, I know what teenage boys do on those things and the last thing I needed was those germs on my hands.

"I'm sorry but I can't give you my number. We still have time in class, we'll work it out now," I eyed his phone disgustedly, instinctively clutching my hands tighter in my lap.

"Oh chill, Aria, I'm not trying to date you, I like Haley," okay that was the last straw.

"My name is Avia, have some respect. I surely hope you're not arrogant enough to forget that it's not a good look for the headmaster's son to have such an attitude," I snapped back. The last thing I needed was another guy I had to be around to worship Haley. 

"Then stop holding your head so high; you're not everything you think you are. Just cause you're the basketball captain's little play-toy doesn't mean every guy wants to get with you. Don't worry, princess, I'll be sure to delete your number after this project's over," he nodded at his phone, signaling for me to put my number in. 

I dug my manicure into my skirt while trying my absolute hardest to maintain my composure. "My number's reserved for business and family only. The most I'll give you is my Snapchat," I took his already-unlocked phone in my hands and added myself. 

"Dont text me after 8:30."



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