Hotel Rooms

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A/N- Please Read
Hahaha. So if you can't tell I am an unreliable author and cannot be trusted to update so I'm no longer making promises to update this because like, as much as I love the feedback and I love the characters I write for, it's kinda a stress and I get super nervous posting and, as I mentioned before, I feel like this story is so much better than the old one I had but that one has a lot more attention and love and stuff so it's frustrating. But I really, really do appreciate anybody who comments or votes or even reads this. So thank you but also I'm sorry for never updating. Anyway, here is an update!

Also, a possibly important detail. In this specific AU I have created, I headcnanon Nico as a very tall and lanky man and I just want to clarify that cause I know in a lot of other stories and such, Nico is very much the short one of the group. That is not the case here


The silence in the apartment is defeaning. Addy sat in an armchair awkwardly, legs crossed and shoulders slumped. Nico was leaning back on the other chair, his hand covering his mouth and his hair dropping over his eyes. It was like a mask had been placed over as his face, his expression unreadable.

The Grace-McLean family was squished onto a small couch across from Addy and Nico. Piper sat wedged between her husband and son and tried to exude an air of serenity and confidence. Her only tell was the white knuckle grip on the glass of water she held too formally.

Jason was staring Nico down, it was an unrelenting glare that was meant to intimidate him into talking but Nico couldn't care less. He was too busy eyeing the interactions between Thomas and his daughter. They would make eye contact and smile and then look down and repeat.

The silence was broken as Nico suddenly sat up and asked Thomas, "What are your intentions with my daughter?"

Thomas turned red and spluttered, Addy shot an angry look at her dad and Piper chuckled.

"Nico," Jason said, "That isn't why we are here."

Nico finally turned to look at his old friend, "Isn't it though? If your son hadn't taken such a liking to my daughter you never would have found me."

Jason scowled at this," Okay, fine. But Nico, we are here now and we deserve answers."

Nico stood up abruptly, his face twisted in anger, "You aren't entitled to anything from me. You aren't my keeper, Jason."

Jason stood as well and as he did he sent his glass of water he had perched on the coffee table between them flying. The glass hit the hardwood floor and shattered. Piper jumped at the action and Nico's anger lost momentum as he turned his attention the glass shards. He took a step forward and crouched down to begin picking up the larger pieces of glass.
Jason moved to follow him and as he crouched down as well, he placed a hand on Nico's shoulder for balance. Nico jerked and immediately cut his hand on a piece of glass.

"Fuck," he muttered as he stood up and rushed over to the bathroom.

Addy stood and followed her Dad, hoping to help him.

"What can I do?" She asked from the doorframe as he ran his palm under running water.

Nico sighed and squeezed his eyes shut, "I don't want them to be here," he mumbled.

Addy softened at his words, but she shook her head, "Dad, you need to talk about this. You need to talk about why you left."

He turned the faucet off and rummaged in the medicine cabinet for a large bandage or some gauze.

"Piccolina," Nico said softly, "I told you some of it but there is so much you don't know. I could barely explain why I left the first time, how can I explain the second?"

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