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Lmao I'm so sorry I'm so unreliable but I'm trying to update more! I really, really appreciate any comments/votes that I get so if you enjoy the story or chapter, please let me know! Anyway, also comment on what you want to see for this story because I have an idea but I want to include what readers want, so if you've got an idea, feel free to share! Anywhosies, enjoy!

Oh also, this chapter has profanity (very brief) but most future chapters will as well.

The drive to camp was silent, but Nico felt more hope than he had in a long time. Maybe, if he was lucky, he would get his home back. But that wasn't to say he was calm in any way. If the bouncing leg wasn't enough to tell you he was anxious, surely the white knuckle grip on the seat belt would clue you in. Jason was talking animatedly in the front as he drove, his eyes glancing at the rearview every few seconds to see the passengers in the back. Despite Nico's long legs, he insisted on sitting in the middle seat to prevent Addy and Thomas from sitting next to each other.

"Papa, if you don't stop bouncing your leg I'm going to jump out of this car," Addy stated.

Nico scoffed, "Piccolina, I'm sorry that you don't get to sit next to your boyfriend but I'm going to need you to check the attitude."

Thomas's face turned red at Nico's words and Piper chuckled.

"We're almost there!" Jason said excitedly.

Nico sucked in a deep breath, panic bubbling in his chest. Despite their bickering, Addy grabbed her dad's hand and squeezed it reassuringly. Nico smiled lightly at the gesture, but his mind was flooded with possible scenarios that awaited him. He feared that his friends, his family, would hate him.

"Maybe, I shouldn't do this, maybe I should just slowly reconnect with them all," Nico offered.

"No, absolutely not," Jason said, "Nico, I know you're worried and I'm not saying this is going to be a walk in the park, but you need to do this. They miss you, and I know that you miss them. We will work through all of this, I know it. Besides, it's too late, we're here."

Jason put the car in park, and unbuckled his seatbelt so he could turn to face Nico, "It's going to be okay."

Nico looked Jason in the eyes, searching for the reassurance he needed. He nodded quickly and unbuckled his seatbelt as well.

They all began to climb out of the car, deciding to leave their bags there to come collect later. This reunion wasn't something that needed a bunch of duffel bags to store away in the mix. Nico stood outside the car, his heart racing. He placed a hand on the door, steadying himself.

"Nico?" Piper called.

Nico squeezed his eyes shut and breathed deeply, "I'm coming."

The five of them began to walk up the hill to the entrance of camp. Jason, Piper, and Thomas walked ahead of Nico and Addy so they were slightly shielded. Walking through the gates of camp filled Nico with an unmistakable feeling of safety but it mixed terribly with his nerves. Nico felt nauseous. He heard the sound of campers as they walked towards the pavilion of camp.

"Jason! Piper! Hey guys!" shouted a voice from the distance.

Percy Jackson was jogging towards them and Nico was certain he was going to throw up. Annabeth was close behind him and she saw Nico first. She stopped dead in her tracks, her arms dropping to her side. She looked like the wind had been knocked out of her. Nico stopped as well, looking at her.

"Oh my gods," Annabeth whispered.

Percy slowed down, looking behind him to glance at his wife. "What?" he said, looking back towards Jason but seeing the mop of dark hair. The smile he had dropped from his face as he stared at Nico.

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