Chapter One

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Descendants really tried to make it harder for me to turn the songs into casual dialogue in this one...


For Cameron Boyce...

You were part of the childhoods of everyone involved in this story, readers and writer alike. Thank you for making us smile through the harder times and laugh in the good. You will not be forgotten.

I watched the point where the sky met the sea as the limo drove over the bridge appearing to only be made of golden dust. The magic from Auradon was some powerful stuff if it had the ability to support a giant vehicle transporting five people and their driver. My stomach performed an entire gymnastics routine the closer we got to our destination, despite attempts at convincing me this was really no big deal. I could feel the pressure of a hand wrapped loosely around my arm, providing a form of comfort. This wasn't some high-society event, but it meant something to myself and the other four seated around me. We all glanced at each other with bright, beaming smiles, then the limo came to a halt on the other side of the bridge.

"All right, guys." Mal leaned forward, resting on her knee. "We've all made our decisions, correct? Hera, Carlos? You came to an agreement?"

"It took us a few hours, but we finally reached a consensus." I slid down in the seat slightly, then glanced at the boy to my right.

"And then we double-checked with Jay," Carlos finished.

"It really shouldn't have been as complicated as we made it."

"But sometimes, we overthink the little things."

"Okay, you two can stop that now." Jay moved his hand in a circular fashion in front of our bodies, causing me to scoff.

"VKs, let's do this."

Mal swung open the door and the five of us spilled out, watching as all the kids watching us began to cheer excitedly and wave, bright smiles stretched across their faces. We offered them passing pleasantries, then kept making our way toward our destination. When we stepped into the main square of the Isle, we looked at each other, then cupped our hands to our mouths and shouted, signaling for them to come down and follow.

"From the north to the south, to the east, to the west! Lost boys, lost girls, you all know your the best!"

"Hit the streets, it's your day! Turn it up, now's your chance!"

Kids began to clamor down their gutters and burst through the doors of their homes, pristine, white applications in their hands. The papers really were more for show, since we'd already decided which kids we were bringing back to Auradon with us. After the whole incident with Uma spelling Ben to get through the barrier, he realized more kids needed to be brought through the barrier, and-- per Evie's request-- had permitted us to choose four more kids who needed a new start and bring them back to Auradon.

Everyone gathered around, following us back to the area near the barrier. While they clamored and whispered to each other below, the five of us took our places so that the kids could hear and reach us easily. Carlos and I stood beside each other on one of the sets of stairs, casting each other a quick smile.

"It's good we're doing this," I thought out loud. "They should be proud of where they came from, just without the encouraging of... well, crime." Carlos reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Not all of us were bad to begin with."

"Fair point, but there are still plenty of kids who need an intervention."

The two of us fell silent as the crowd began to cheer again, indicating we had to get ready to make the announcement. All of the eager faces broke my heart slightly, knowing we'd have to leave most of them behind. But, hopefully, we'd get to bring them all over at a point in the near future.

"I can't believe this day has finally arrived!" Just those few words started the wave of shouts again, indicating just how excited everyone was. "I honestly wish we could take all of you with us, and someday very soon, maybe we can."

"Yeah, we're gonna be back here so many times, you're going to be so sick of us." The crowd tried to assure Mal that wouldn't be the case, but all their words blended together in a controlled cacophony.

"Can we get a drumroll, please?" Everyone began stomping their feet rapidly, building the tension of the moment. "First, I would like to begin with the Granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, daughter of Drizella; my sweet, sweet friend, my Dizzy."

Dizzy squealed excitedly, then sprinted up to Evie and pushed herself into her embrace as the rest of the crowd cheered for her. I placed one hand on Carlos' back and leaned over his shoulder slightly as he opened up the declaration we were meant to read.

"Next... the son of Smee. Come on, Squeaky!"

The small, shy twin holding his father's right hand stared up at his dad for a moment, then slowly let go, pattering over to Carlos and I and quickly attaching to Carlos' side. I smiled up at him and moved my other hand to Squeaky's shoulder, helping him feel a little safer away from his dad and brother for the first time.

"And no way we're splitting up the twins, so get over here, Squirmy! Come on!" The other one of the boys ran over to Jay, who stood on the other side of the balcony. Carlos patted Squeaky's shoulder, getting him to smile, then his hand rested on mine.

"And last, but certainly not least-- we all picked this girl because we all agreed that she could use a little bit of Fairy Godmother's goodness class. Give it up for Dr. Facilier's daughter, Celia!"

"I'm bad." She twirled once in a circle and made her way up to Mal. With all the kids announced, Jay, Carlos, and I brought the twins up to where Mal, Celia, Evie, and Dizzy were waiting.

"We'll be back for you guys next week, okay?"

"Yeah, so pack your own stuff," Carlos instructed them.

"Your own stuff," I warned.

"Where are you going?"

"We're going to Auradon!" the kids cheered. I could tell they were already bouncing with excitement, but they'd have to wait for the proper accommodations to be made.

"Gang, we should head back now." We all knew Mal had business to attend to with Ben, so we nodded and followed her back to the limo. As it began to pull away from the Isle, I leaned against Carlos, watching as our former home disappeared into the background, and our new one grew larger and larger before us.

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