12) Alice in Wonderland

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Sam and Dean seemed more than a bit dumb-struck when you finally emerged from the bathroom, which had you shift uncomfortably. Now they were looking at you like the rest of the café and wasn't that just perfect. You were regretting choosing to dress like the Winchesters now; maybe that was why people here kept staring at you. Except it didn't explain why Dean and Sam were staring too all of sudden.

Despite their expressions, Sam shook his head as if snapping from some kind of daze, his eyes again displaying concern for your well-being, asking about it. To be fair, it was a very valid question.

"Hey. You okay?"

No. "Yeah. Just... dunno. The staring doesn't make me feel good," you muttered, taking the seat next to Sam.

It was only partly the truth. While you didn't have any solid lead on your soulmate, being here, possibly closer to him... it made you as excited as nervous. Restless, definitely.

"Well, it helped a lot," Sam announced, sounding almost cheery. It got you shift your gaze to stare at him, your expression no doubt as puzzled as you felt at such statement. Huh? Sam smiled softly. "We might have found your soulmate."

"Really?!" you yelped, quickly covering your mouth when you realized how loud your voice went. But frankly, you didn't care much about that. Because... WHAT?! When? How? "How is that possible?"

Sam's gaze travelled to the counter, where the orange-haired girl who had welcomed your trio was smiling your direction subtly. You lowered your eyes, your mind racing. What did that woman had to do with it? Had you known her? From... before? Did she know your soulmate?

"Yeah. He's Captain America," Dean dropped the bombshell bluntly.

You saw clearly that they expected you to have a flash of recognition in your eyes at least, but it wouldn't come. You had no clue what they were talking about. Was that some kind of a... special army rank? Or... a stage name for an artist or something?

God, you hoped it wasn't a stripper's name.

That idea made blood rush into your cheeks, only a dumbfounded noise leaving your mouth.


"Right," Sam cleared his throat, shifting in his seat. It took your eyes from slightly disappointed Dean.

"He's a superhero-"


"-he kinda is around hundred now-"

WHAT. 'Kinda?' What did that even mean?

"-so that would explain the... peculiar soulmark you have. But don't worry, he doesn't look hundred, he isn't really, it's complicated..."

Nope, still not following.

A superhero? your mind echoed again, not even the tiniest bit helpful. Kinda hundred, but not really...?

"Anyway, even the way you were when Cas brought you in? It all checks out with the story. Even the last name you picked. His name is Steve Rogers," Sam added, his voice dropping in both volume and tempo, seeing your brain momentarily fried.

You stared blankly ahead, trying to process all the new information you were given, letting it merge with what you had already knew – which wasn't much. Sweet 'doll' caressed your ears, Dean's joke about time-travel and a mafioso kind of soulmate, about Rowena talking the strong bound with the man you had met but hadn't met.

You didn't realize you had closed your eyes and how long you had remained quiet until a warm hand landed on your shoulder, Sam's voice calling out your given name.

Errare Humanum Est *Supernatural x Captain America*Steve x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now