06) ...we both will drop (2/2)

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Everyone on the team had been through having their heart broken at least once; hell, find a one man or a woman of humankind who hadn't. After the Snap, it was an impossible task; even children, when asked, felt like something was missing to them, feeling a deeply-embedded longing they couldn't quite comprehend. Surely, they wouldn't use such big words, having only been five years old now, but the sentiment was all the same.

And when all humanity felt like that, there was little space for hope.

However, the hope that barely started to take roots in the team when they figured out a way to unlimitedly travel in time and space, grew rapidly when Natasha winced in a middle of summarizing the plan once more; only to reveal that the source of pain was... insane.

It was a tattoo-like message on her collarbone. She had received a new set of words. And they happened to be written in Sam Wilson's handwriting, a sentence little snarky and little sappy and... no one blamed Scott for asking the question that itched everyone on the tip of their tongue.

"So... that means we succeed, right? And they meet again, more or less for the first time? I mean, we already saw a case like that."

Despite the cold shiver running up your spine, your heart was wrapped in a fluffy warmth at that thought. It would be worth it. The sacrifice made will be worth it.

You swiftly dried the tear forming in the corner of your eye at the memory of Natasha's reluctant but bright smile before Steve could notice. You followed him as he climbed towards the peak of which your instincts told you was exactly the place to go.

He was gallantly helping you to follow without a single 'I told you so,' even when you slipped and nearly face-planted. Instead, he smiled at you tenderly, concern furrowing his brow, but not once he complained about you being a liability in place of the supposed help you were supposed to provide.

Vormir was an inhospitable planet. All built of rocks, with icy wind, sweeping snowflakes into your face and you were grateful for your gloves and Steve's broad shoulders that shielded you at least partly.

Finally reaching a plateau, you were welcomed by a creature floating above the surface, his red face, a bald scalp, head stripped to a bone with nearly no skin, muscles or fat, partly hidden by a hood of his tattered cloak.

You never liked studying history, but even you knew who this was – or who he seemed to be. If Steve's face and posture was anything to go by, he thought the same.

But that couldn't be, right? The Red Skull had died- disappeared when touching an Infinity Stone. Would it really be so crazy if he was still connected to one?

"Steven, son of Sarah," the peculiar creature welcomed your soulmate with a hiss, repeating a greeting of similar nature with you, only showing off he knew your father's name, not mother's like with Steve, and obviously calling you a daughter.

Which wasn't creepy at all.

"You-" Steve only growled and was already lunging at the man, only for his body to go through him as if the figure was nothing but a unsubstantial illusion.

You yelped in fright for Steve, but he didn't even fall to the grown, his training preparing him for more surprising situations that his opponent being immaterial.

The Red Skull appeared to be annoyed at Steve's antics at best; he didn't make any attempt at attacking either him or you, only watching you with freakily knowing gaze as if he already learned your purpose here. Which was impossible, right?

But was it?

"Steve... I don't think we need to fight him," you whispered, averting the piercing glare of the Skull on you.

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