At Home

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I looked down to see my 5 year old daughter glancing up at me. Her dark brown wavy hair was in a ponytail and her dark blue eyes were shining into my dark brown ones. She had a light brown skin tone due to the mix of my dark brown skin tone and my husband's pale white one.

"Yes Brielle?" I asked calmly. "Where's Ayden?"

Where is Ayden?

The question that nearly gave me a heart attack.

I glanced around looking for the pale skin boy. Panic seeped into me as I looked at an empty backyard that once contained two of my kids. I grabbed my daughter's hand and made my way through the house looking for the brown eyed boy. My paranoia kicked in as I started to imagine all the horrible things that could happen to him.

How could I have been so careless?

I froze in my path as I heard giggles coming from my bedroom. I quickly entered with my daughter on my hip. I braced myself for the worst - but seriously what is the worst that can be happening when you hear giggles, only my mind. However the sight I came upon was lovely. My husband was tickling my four year old son, Ayden. Relief washed through me as I noticed my baby boy was safe.

My husband, Luca, smiled up at me when he noticed my presence. At the moment there was a knock on the front door. I placed Brielle beside Ayden and kissed my husband's cheek affectionately. I then walked to the front door to welcome my visitor. When I opened the door I saw my best friend since high school standing in front of me.

"Jay!" I exclaimed as I leaned in to hug her.

"Hey Ginger Ale!" she retorted with that dreadful name. I glared at her momentarily and she laughed knowing how much I dislike that nickname.

"Where are Luca and the kids?"She asked referring to my husband and my three children.

"In my room, come along ' Tori ' ".

We returned to my bedroom to see a cute sight. We cooed as we saw Brielle and Ayden playing in Luca's hair and my youngest Laurelle or Lulu was sitting in his lap babbling away nonsense.

"AUNTY JAY!" They screamed as they realized her presence. Bri and Ay left Luca's hair and scampered towards her while Lulu fussed to be picked up by her. I laughed at how hurriedly they tried to get her attention. My husband also noticed this and joined me in laughter.

Luca got up and kissed my cheek lovingly before making his way to begin dinner. When he was almost finished cooking, there was a knock on the door signaling the arrival of Jay's husband, Hayes and her twins Jasmine and Justin. I greeted and ushered them into the dining room where everyone else was seated. A two year old Jasmine hopped into her mother's lap and started babbling while Justin sat quietly in his father's lap.

Justin and Jasmine are complete opposites even though they are twins. Justin took mostly after his mom with dark brown eyes, curly hair but inherited his father's dark brown hair colour and had a light brown skin tone due to the mix of his mother's dark brown skin colour and father's white tone.

Jasmine on the other hand took after her dad with blue eyes, straight hair but inherited her mother's black hair colour and had a caramel skin tone. We ate a delicious dinner and played a few games before Jay had to leave. With Jay being a consultant pediatrician and Hayes being a C.E.O. at Grier Co., they have a lot on their plate.

I cleaned up while Luca got the kids ready for bed. Entering Bri's and Ay's room I noticed Luca singing to them. I kneeled beside him and gave them both a kiss goodnight. They have recently started to sleep in the same bed because Ayden and I quote "Wanted to protect his sissy even if she is older, 'cause I'm a big boy now". Luca and I found it cute and allowed them.

I got up and left their room and entered the nursery that rooms Laurelle to find her asleep. I admired her curly, brown hair that came from both me and Luca and her caramel skin tone. Even though I couldn't see them I cooed over her rich brown eyes. I gently kissed her forehead and journeyed to the master bedroom.

I got ready for bed and packed my work things for the next day. I then gave into the bed calling my name and lay in its fluffiness. As I began to drift asleep I felt the bed dip and a hand wrapped itself around my waist.

"Goodnight my chocolate muffin," Luca whispered as he kissed my forehead. I laughed and cuddled into his chest murmuring "G'night, Love you ".

"Love you too"


Dedicated to xxheart_break_girlxx

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