Chapter 3

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​​My Mom, Dad, and Katharine were already there sitting in front of some steak, potatoes, and string beans. I sat down in my spot, and as soon as I did, Katharine started babbling about what happened today. Apparently some guy asked her to the middle school dance that was on Friday. It was amazing that she was asked on her first day. I mean she was pretty, her blonde hair tied up in a bun and her huge blue eyes and her slender frame, I almost wasn't surprised. She also had a lot of friends. In her old school, she was 'Miss Popularity' and had a whole crowd of people.

​"Has anyone asked you yet Brie? Is there any guy that you want to ask you? Are you gonna ask someone?" Asked Katharine.

​"Um no not yet." The truth was, I totally forgot about that. They announced it in my homeroom today, but I was too busy doodling. I can't help it, I love to draw. It's one of my passions.

​"Then who was that guy that walked you home?" My parent's heads snapped my direction when they heard THAT.

​"Katharine, what are you talking about?" My mother asked glaring at me.

"Oh you see there was this really cute boy who walked her home and - " She didn't get to finish her sentence when I interrupted.

"He was not cute, and he was just a kid that I ran into in the hallway, and I asked for directions. That's it." I said dismissively.​

​"Really? He seemed really cute and he looked at you like he thought you were really pretty. Maybe you guys could start dating -"

"ENOUGH!" I yelled, blistering mad. I got up from my chair, and left. I made the mistake of looking back, and I saw Katharine smirking. I tore off into my room and almost shrieked when I saw Storm lying on my floor, in my room, staring at me.

​I quietly closed my door, not wanting to scare him and crouched down next to him. "What are you doing here?" I hissed "You are supposed to be in the rec. room!" My eyes grew wide. The rec. room! What if he dug a hole in the door or worse dug a hole through the floor?! I charged out of my door heading for the rec. room with Storm, lumbering behind me keeping up with my pace. I finally got to the hallway where the rec. room was, expecting to find a hole somewhere, but I just found the door wide open unlocked. "What did you do? How did you get out?" I asked him.

​He looked up at me like Yes and? I am not as stupid as you think I am. I looked at him, and just started laughing. I had to cover my mouth with my hand to keep from Katharine hearing. I walked back to my room, trying to stifle my laughs as Storm trotted along behind me. After getting past his largeness he was actually really cute. His big blue eyes, and his really long legs, and that I could ride him like a horse. I turned into my doorway and stopped short when I saw Katharine lying on my bed.

​"Katharine! What are you doing here! Get out of my room!" I almost screamed. I hated it when she went through my stuff. She used to always go through my drawers and closet when we shared a room, but that stopped when we got our own rooms.

​​"Mom said I had to apolog-" She stopped short when he got an eyeful of Storm. "What is that ... that beast!?" She screamed. I silently cursed. I should have known that mom would have made her apologize for antagonizing me at dinner. "DAD! BRIE HAS GONE CRAZY AND BROUGHT A WILD DOG IN THE HOUSE!" She screamed as she ran from my room. I looked at Storm. He looked back with a really puzzled look on his face. What? What did I do? I was just standing here! I brought him into my room and flopped on my bed. Storm jumped on with me and sat in front of me.

​ "Oh Storm, what are we going to do?" I asked. I looked at his chest. "Oh my gosh! We have to get you a collar! And some toys! Don't worry, I'll ask Dad if we can go to the pet store. I checked my clock. It was only 6:30. I had time. I ran downstairs, with Storm running after me, just as enthusiast. "Dad Dad Dad Dad!" I asked as I ran into him as he was cleaning dishes.

​"What what what what?" He replied with a huge grin, obviously cracking himself up with his little joke. It's hard to believe that he's a genius video game creator when he is such a goof at home.

​"Can we go to the pet store to get some supplies for Storm?" I asked gesturing towards Storm who was sitting next to me, looking up at us expectantly.

​"Sure! It's great that you too are already so close! We can head out now."

​"Ok great let me get my shoes!" I replied. I sprinted up to my room with Storm only jogging behind. I raced to put my shoes on and a light jacket. I ran back downstairs to find my dad completely ready to go. I grabbed a rope from the shed and tied it lightly around Storm's neck. I lead him into the car, but a soon as I was ready for him to jump in, he wouldn't budge.

​I looked at him. "Why won't you get into the car? It's not going to eat you." He still wouldn't budge. I got into the car, and patted the seat to tell him that it was ok. He gave me one more look and jumped in the car. The only thing is is that he overestimated his power and jumped on top me. So the next thing I knew was that I couldn't see anything except sliver/grey fuzz. I finally got Storm off of me and we were on our way. We finally arrived at Paws & Claws pet store. We walked through the doors and immediately walked to where the collars and leashes were.

​"Storm is already trained on a leash, but I had to borrow a leash from a friend. He needs his own" My Dad said.

​"Brie? Brie is that you?" I heard a voice say. I turned my head to the voice, and I saw a head with bright copper hair, Jason. He ran up to me and was smiling like a madman.

​"What are you doing here?" He took a look at Storm and his eyes grew wide. I waited for all the screaming about monsters and hugeness, but what I got from Jason was totally different. "Whoa who's this big guy? He is so cool!" He bent down and held out his hand for Storm to sniff it. "He looks just like a wolf!" ​

​"Um that's because he is. "Jason froze and stared at me.​

​"Are you serious?"

​"Yeah." I said looking at my feet.

​"That is so cool! I can't believe it! He is gorgeous!"


​"Yeah he is amazing! I have always wanted a big dog as a pet, but my parents wouldn't let me because of my siblings and the space." Just as he said this my dad walked in. Great. My dad knows that I don't like to have attention drawn to myself, and if people see him with me and they know he is my dad, then I won't here the end of it. He brought in a blue collar with little storm clouds on them, a matching leash, and a tag with his name and out address, in the shape of a cloud. He really outdid himself on the whole 'Storm' idea.

​"Hey guys, what's up?" My dad said as he came in the aisle.

​"Hey Dad." I muttered.

​"Whoa are you Peter Miller? All time awesome video game creator?" Jason asked in awe.

​"Sure am." He replied, I groaned.

​"I'm is a huge fan. Wait, are you Brie's Dad?" Ugh

​"Yep, Brie and I were just taking Storm here out on a field trip." I totally forgot about Storm. He has settled down, and fallen asleep on the store floor. I gently prodded him my toe.

​"Get up sleepyhead, lets go look at some toys." At the sound of my voice, Storm jumped up and looked at me like, Yes? I wasn't sleeping, I was keeping watch, from the floor. I lead him over to the toy aisles and showed him a fluffy squeaky duck, but he looked at it like, what am I supposed to do with that? I found him a rubber steak and when I held it out for him, he seized it and started chewing. "Well, I guess we'll get that one." I replied happily. We found a few other toys he wouldn't chew apart, and headed for the beds. I found a really nice blue bed that was big enough for Storm, but we had to leave it because he wanted to tear it to shreds.

​"Don't worry Brie, I think that he will be just fine sleeping on the floor." Jason told me with a huge grin.

​"This is sort of fun." I said. Things were going pretty good, but I was so wrong.

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