Chapter 6

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​I tore through my closet. I am not the kind of girl who has a lot of clothes but I had a decent amount. Mostly because of my fashionista grandparents. I was throwing everything behind me and Storm was trying to catch them.

​I dug some more and then I looked back at Storm. He had a giant green blob in his mouth. I wrestled it from him and took a look. It was a mint green skirt that came to my knees. I didn't even know that I owned this. I grabbed a white polo and but them together. It looked nice. I looked at Storm. He looked the skirt with a hungry expression on his face as if he as saying. Ok now that you have a chance to look at it can I have it back? I need to chew on it.

​I kept the skirt and threw the rubber steak in his direction. He caught it mid-air and sat down gnawing at it. I sat back down in my desk and started my homework when I heard the intercom.

​<< Brie come downstairs for dinner. I made fried chicken and macaroni and cheese!>>

​I jumped up form my desk. No matter how childish it was I was always in the mood for some good mac & cheese. I opened my door and Storm got up and followed me downstairs into the dining room. When I saw Katharine, I narrowed my eyes. She narrowed them back, and when she saw Storm, she slowly started to turn red. I sat down next to her, and Storm looked at me with a face that said. That smells really good, do you mind if I have a bite or two?

​"No Storm, you're not allowed to eat table scraps. Lay down." I ordered. Storm lay down under my feet and was I ate dinner, he looked at me with pleading eyes, but I paid no attention to him.

​"So Brie, how was school." My dad randomly asked.

​"I got asked to the dance" I said before I even realized. Everyone stared at me. Katharine almost choked on her steak. She laughed.

​"You're joking right?" She scoffed. My mom glared at her.

​"No I am not joking, and it looks like you're not the only one going to the dance." I mocked.

​"Who asked you then? That boy who was at the pet store with us?" I felt my muscles go rigid and my face start to heat up. Storm starts to growl a quiet but loud enough for me to hear. Katharine kept going. "When you tripped, he totally caught you. You should've seen his face! He looked so happy, too bad he'll not want to talk to you after who he sees who you really are.

​I could feel the anger bubbling inside me. Storm started it growl louder. I didn't want the pet store episode to happen again, so I got up and left, I called for I Storm and he trotted after me, glaring at Katharine.

​"Daddy," I heard her whine, "why does Brie get to have a dog but I can't? It's not fair and I feel left out." I stifled a laugh. I know for a fact that Mom and Dad were not going to get her a dog. Maybe a bunny or something small, but not a dog. I felt a sheer moment of superiority. And sat down on my bed and started to read

​The rest if the week flashed before my eyes. Before I knew it, it was Friday and it was free period. Nothing really happened. I just was outside as much as I could with Storm (The school never had a problem with Storm tied to the tree in the back because he wasn't causing and trouble and he didn't make a sound.). Jason sometimes occasionally came over to talk and play with Storm (who had felt more comfortable with him), but today was different. I was sitting in my usual spot under Storm's tree, eating some chips from home. A few girls came up to me. Other were all blonde but they had their tips dyed. The first one had pink tips and dirty-blonde hair.

​"What are you doing?" She asked

​"Eating food." I replied

​"And what is that?" She replied nastily

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