Chapter 9

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​I got up, but my left leg buckled beneath me. I looked at it. There was a long streak of red running from my knee to my ankle. It was bleeding heavily, my sock started to turn red with blood. Jason came up to me and his eyes popped out of his head when he saw my cut.

​"Brie! Are you ok?!" He asked frantically.

​"Yeah I'm fine" I said coolly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. My legs felt somewhat steady. I walked with Jason just fine and as he got to were Coach was, he was talking to Chris who looked very pleased with himself, but when he saw me walking just fine, his smile fell.

​I smiled at him to show him that I wasn't effected but his 'accident'. It would take a lot more to break me. Coach took one look at me, and signed me a nurse's pass. Jason walked with me to the nurse's office. The nurse looked at me and immediately grabbed a roll of gauze and cloth.

​"How are you feeling?" She asked me.

​"No, actually I feel fine." She cleaned my cut, which was a long streak. And started wrapping cloth around it. Once she was done, she sent me back to class. I realized that I missed an entire period in the process. I went back to class with a late pass and a cloth bandage around my leg. I wasn't limping at all, it actually didn't hurt. When I went outside for recess, I saw Chris glaring at me. I smiled a mocking smile. It was pretty obvious that his incident hadn't effected me at all. I sat down next to Storm, who was curiously sniffing my bandaged leg with a puzzled look on his face. What happened to your skin? It doesn't smell like you. His puzzled face fell short when he saw Chris walking in my direction. He quickly passed me, but I could still see the anger in his face. Jason came down and sat next to me.

​"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked worried.

​"Am I dying? No, I am ok, I don't even feel it." I replied annoyed. Jason smirked. He bell rang and we walked inside. My next class, our teacher wasn't here so the librarian filled in.

​She said that we could have a free reading period and she needed to make some copies so we needed to behave ourselves. As soon as she left, the place was a madhouse.

​People got up from their desks and started throwing paper balls at each other. I got up, pulled a book from my backpack. I walked over to the corner of the room that was the least populated, and sat down, and read.

​I watched the class roll by, and soon enough it was lunch. I went to my locker and searched for my lunch bag, I dug around but I couldn't find it. I cursed under my breath. I forgot to grab it this morning. I grabbed my emergency five dollars form my back pocket, and went into the lunchroom to buy lunch.

​When I walked through the doors I stopped to find where you could buy. I finally saw it and went into line, I grabbed a slice of pizza and an apple. I realized that Storm would want something too. So I grabbed two little packets of peanut butter for him. The lady at the cash register too my five dollars, gave me change and I left. When I got outside, I saw Storm looking at me curiously. I held up the packets.

​He wined at me. That smells really good. I want it! Pleeeeeeeeease? I laughed and opened the packets Storm got more on his muzzle than he actually ate. He was licking his muzzle constantly trying to get all the peanut butter off. I ran inside when I heard the bell.

​I ran into my home economics room and realized that we had music today instead. I ran into the music room, I sat down in a seat. I was next to a girl with short blonde hair and on the heavy side, and a slender brunette.

​"Alright class, today we a going to warm up those vocal cords! With some ... solos!" She said in her high voice. She was really pretty too. Her coca brown hair that just came to her shoulders was wavy and her green eyes. She was wearing a purple barrette, and a matching purple sweater. She played the piano for a while before she decided to pick soloists. "Ok, let's start with the girls! She waved her finger around the room and pointed at the blonde girl next to me.

​She jumped up, obviously happy to be picked, walked to the center of the room and started signing. She got all the pitches wrong, and cracked at the end.

​The teacher grimaced and waved her finger around again and she pointed her finger at me. I looked behind me too see if she was pointing to the person behind me.

​There was only an empty seat. I stood up, shaking. As I walked to the center of the room, I heard some snickers and a few people did quiet wolf howls. The teacher stared the piano, it was America the Beautiful.

​I knew this song front and back, when she hit the cue. I began to sing, the whole song, and when the piano stopped, the whole class stared at me. I turned bright red and started to walk to my seat.

​The music teacher grabbed my arm. "Sweetie, that was amazing! Everyone give a hand for her!" The people in the class quietly clapped their hands. They had their eyes narrowed and some had their eyes wide. I sat down and the brunette looked at me.

​"You are really good, you should try out for choir." She said quietly.

​"Thanks, but I have too many things." I said, "I'm Brie." The girl smiled

​"I'm Liz." The boys went next. It was really funny because they were too embarrassed to sing, and when they did, they sounded horrible. Liz and I started laughing, but the music teacher gave us a look. When class ended I realized that I had one more period until school was over.

​I dragged through hoping that it can be over soon. Once the bell rang, I ran outside to my usual wait place for Jason next to Storm. He greeted me by standing on his hind legs. I saw Chris and his friends get on a red dirt bikes, and drove away. I saw Jason come out of the building and ran up to me.

​"Hey Brie, I have to retake a test after school, and I won't be done after a while. So you can gone on and leave." He told me.

​"Ok that's alright!" I said. I turned around and started to leave. When I was about a block away from my school, I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Storm was growling. I saw a flash of red. I was able to make it out. It was red four dirt bike. I saw a person with auburn hair on it. Chris.

​He started to drive up really close to me, I started to run, but the bike was too fast. The car slammed into my side, the impact causing me to be thrown in the air. I threw out my arms to catch my fall, but when I landed, I landed wrong and I heard a earsplitting snap.

​I felt the pain surge up my arm. I screamed in agony. I heard a familiar voice that I absolutely hated.

​"Try to get up from that wolf girl." I heard tires driving away. I opened my eyes. I saw Storm next to me. I bit my lip.

​"Storm go get Jason!" He came over and sniffed my face. "I am ok Storm," I lied, my wrist hurt so bad "Go get Jason! Go!" I shooed him in the direction of where we came. I saw him run off. I tried to concentrate more, but there were black spots beginning to form in the corners of my eyes. I groaned once more, then I was consumed in darkness.

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