Chapter 5

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​"HE TRIED TO KILL ME! HE TRIED TO KILL ME! DID YOU SEE THAT! HER MUTANT DOG TRIED TO KILL ME!" Screamed Katharine who was completely overreacting. I protectively stepped in front of Storm, but he ran between my legs, which knocked me backward. There wasn't something for me to grab on to, so I was I was just falling. Someone grabbed my arms and hoisted me upright. At first I thought it was my dad, but I clearly saw my dad in front of me, trying to calm me down. I turned around and saw Jason behind me. I immediately started to feel the heat rush to my face.

​"Umm thanks Jason." I said quietly.

​"Oh no problem, I finally realized why my parents made me sign up for three years of football. That was agonizing." He replied with a big smile flexing his arms. I did a small laugh. I looked in front of me and I saw Storm having a stare off with Katharine, still as a statute. I bent down to him and stroked his head. He turned his head to look at me, I could see some concern in his eyes, it was almost as if he was saying, are you ok? Did you see she was going to attack you? I protected you from her. I scratched his head.

​"It's ok boy, she didn't hurt me. I'm ok." Storm pressed his whole body against my leg, which since they were in a crouch, I was knocked onto my butt. I laughed as he sniffed my face. What? What's going on? He seemed to say.

​"Come on Brie, it's almost eight, we have to get home." My dad told me. His facial expression told me that I was not to argue with him. I said goodbye to Jason and we left the store.

​I spent the whole ride home smothered against Storm. It wasn't so bad because he was really soft and warm. We drove into our driveway and Katharine jumped out before the car even stopped moving. She ran inside to probably hide in her room and sulk.

​I jumped out with Storm next to me and bolted to my room, and I shut the door behind me. I took out all the toys and set them on the floor. Storm seized the steak toy and laid down chewing on it. Mom walked into my room. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Storm. He looked up at her like, Oh hi there, don't mind me.

​"Don't worry mom, he's too absorbed in his steak than to notice us." I replied with a smile.

​"Well honey, we need to talk about the episode in the pet store." My mom looked serious. I groaned. "This is serious honey, Storm could have hurt Katharine."

​"But mom, he didn't. There was he wasn't straining on the leash. Besides, if he was, wouldn't I have dropped the leash? I mean, he is like half the size of me! He probably was just being protective, and when Katharine was coming towards me taunting, he started growling as a warning. Kay? He wasn't going to hurt Katharine." I replied. Mom looked at me thoughtfully and then at Storm.

​"What you are saying actually makes a lot of sense. I'll let you off the hook for this, but if anything else happens..." She didn't need to finish because we both knew what would happen.

​"Awesome thanks mom!" I was also really good at finding the reason in things that I wanted. I checked the clock 8:30. I had to get ready for bed so I could read. I grabbed t-shirt and some pajama pants with little dancing cows on them.

​I showered & changed lightning fast and raced back into my room. I tied my really long hair up in a wet, soppy bun and flopped on my bed and started to read. I love to read. I have a whole section in the little library we have filled with all my favorite books. I spent all my free time reading at school. Right now I was in the middle of a book about a vampire and a werewolf trying to battle over a girl.

​A bit geeky, but still really good. I looked at storm. "Are you a werewolf?" I asked him smiling. He looked up in return. I checked the clock, 10:05. I hadn't realized how much time I spent reading. I realized that I had to get Storm into the rec. room. I got off my bed to find Storm fast asleep on my rug. "Come on you thug, we have to go." I prodded him with my foot. He jumped up surprised looking all around. He looked at me for a second and relaxed as if he was saying. Oh its just you. What's up? I lead him down to the rec. room, and opened the door. He walked through and stopped about a foot away from the doorway. He waited for me to come in. "Sorry Storm, I'll get you in the morning." I said as I closed the door. I went back to my bed, and fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

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