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All throughout the day all I could think about was that name... JeyJey... it seemed to fit his freckles and hair so well. It was almost like his name was rapped around my head till the last bell went.

Addy pulled me aside and snuck a smile at me; she knew that I wanted to be more than friends with him- but I was Straight? "You know you can tell me anything?" She started batting her eyelids at me, she grabbed my wrist and we started walking home (even though it would take an hour).

The walk seemed to stretch over days, months, weeks ,even though it only took an hour. It was full of questions about my mind and Addy reassuring my every doubt; she was supportive and encouraged me to make up my mind. "That's it, I think I might be bi!" I announced as I stared at the ground "I totally support you; you know JeyJey is into boys...," I shook my head in disbelief as my jaw dropped "yeah, he just doesn't want a relationship right now with his dad not being supportive and all that."

My mind started fluttering between doubts of my sexuality and me liking this boy; I was still not totally sure but I knew I wanted to be at least in contact with this boy. He was just too cute not to even text hi... but do I have the guts to?

I know tus was really short but I'm currently round a friends and promise more over the next week or so xx

See you soon- Author A x

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