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Writers note:
I currently have no inspiration to finish anything so sorry if I end up sort of making this rly short but I all of a sudden want to write a fricking long story 🤦🏼‍♀️✋ So Yh, it's currently 11pm and I'm writing fanfic; how productive of me 😅🤠


After that night I barely seemed to be able to put down my phone; I was hooked on every word said (or typed) by him. We started sending photos (if you know you know😉) and it was clear that we both wanted more than a one-off thing; so I bring it up.

Me: Hey 🙈
Jeyjey🍭😉: Heyyyyyy
Me: I don't mean to make it awkward but what am I to you?

JEYJEY🍭😉 is typing....

This went on for 5 minutes until he stopped typing, fuck...


Jeyjey🍭😉: um Benjamin... I didn't want to talk about it but my dms are a state (and I think you know what I mean by that)

I didn't know what he meant: it hit me like a bat to the stomach. All of a sudden I was shaking and eyes were filled with glossy tears; shit, I was crying over him? JEYJEY MADE ME CRY?

Me: How many JeyJey?!
Jeyjey🍭😉: 2... times 10

JeyJeys POV:

FUCK! Why am I like this?! I get close to someone that I genuinely love but somehow find a way to push them away from me. I'm selfish, no I'm useless...

Benji🙈🍭🥴: Rly... Jorge Garay REALLY?!
Me: I've fucked up, I know: I'm going to leave you alone permanently now.

I don't know what I meant by that but my heart was crushed at the thought of having to push Benji out of reach; he was the one I loved but I can't help talking to other boys. My eyes glasses over until I couldn't see; everything was a haze.

I stumbled into my bathroom and looked around in the cupboard; I hadn't eaten for a day or two. I had felt so down and angry at myself and how I fuck things up all the time. It was time for that to end; I grabbed a shiny object and crawl back to my bed. My mind fogged over with images of Benji's face. His blushed cheeks, his brown hair, his hazel eyes... I didn't want to cause that pain. I lift up my wrist and dig the shiny object into it.

Benji🙈🍭🥴 would like to FaceTime...

Shit! He can't see me like this. I press decline but my phone answers: "Hey Jey, what did you mean by that?...," SHIT! He saw my wrist. "JEYJEY WTF?! IM COMING OVER NOW! STAY CALM AND DONT DO ANYTHING!"


My heart raced in my chest as I threw up in my mouth; I'm not going to have an anxiety attack whilst my friend is currently DYING?! I gritted my teeth, grabbed my phone and car keys and ran out the door: my mum questioned me but I said nothing. My car decided to not cooperate and not start; FUCK, Jorge lives 3 minutes away... i'll have to sprint!

I reach JeyJeys door and slam my hand on it repeatedly. I hope he's alright...

JeyJeys POV:

I hear Benji pound on the door; I grab my wrist and run down the stairs trying not to slip. I reach the door and open it, I must've been swaying the whole time as I suddenly felt all dizzy. "Jey, stay focused on me I'm goi..." His gentle voice slowly faded out and everything seemed to blur...


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