❤️Chapter One❤️

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For as long as Sayori has known she was able to see colored lights whenever a music note was played. A little flicker of a colored light that corresponded with every single note ever played. It didn't matter the octave, it didn't matter the key, it didn't matter what note came before or after it: every note had a corresponding color. The lower notes on the scale were colored with cooler, darker colors while the higher notes were more pastel and bright. Different octaves would be the darker versus lighter scale while the notes themselves were colors. 

It used to be so pretty. It used to be beautiful. It used to make Sayori so very happy to see the colors and it made her excited to learn how to sing and play the ukulele. She used to want to know everything about music and colors and be a musician one day. Now the colors are mundane and a part of her daily life. They're nothing too special anymore. They grew less special the more her depression grew. It's hard to find anything special anymore.

Not even the books Monika would recommend to her would make her happy anymore. She looked up from the boring book to see all her friend's doing their own things. Yuri was off in her own little world again, reading the fantasy novel with that one character she is totally in love with. Monika and MC were reading together. They make a cute couple. It used to make Sayori jealous and really sad, but that's okay because they're happy. Lastly, Natsuki was over by her manganese closet again reading Parfait Girls for the millionth time. Everything was so boring and mundane and she always felt like there was a weight dragging her down. There was no reason in life to get motivated.

So Sayori did what anyone else would do. She dug through her bag and quietly took out a box of crayons and her spiral notebook. See, with her Chromesthesia she could write music just by coloring in the colored notes. She didn't need sheet music, she just needed some crayons and she could make art. People always thought she was in sort classes or did abstract. No, it's just sheet music but in her own way. She flipped through the pages. She'd write poems on the fronts of pages and color the sheet music on how she wanted the poem to sound on the back. She skipped around some, so she might as well go back and start coloring the ones she's didn't bother to do beforehand. It's a time killer.

This was a sad poem, so she took out her blues, greens, purples, red, and made sure all of them we're dark colors. She started in the middle of the page, working outwards. That's how she always goes. She doodled bigger and smaller shapes for every word, stressing out how long the note should be held when singing. Then she colored the background after the shapes were done in the chord patterns for the poem. It doesn't take long. She's done this a lot.

Sayori gently smiled, feeling a small satisfaction just for the sake of completing the thing, before she glanced at the clock. Hmm, five more minutes. The club would be ending soon and that meant she had the entire weekend to binge the internet and read fanfics to fill the void in her heart. She really likes pastel/punk AUs and those cute Flower Shop/Tattoo Artist AUs. Suddenly a wild Natsuki appeared. 

"Woah! Sayori that looks so cool! Did you draw that? With crayons?! That's really cool! You're so talented!"

Sayori looked over at Natsuki who was leaning over her shoulder with stars in her eyes, gawking at her artwork. Sayori felt her face flush, she never thought it was any good, however... If someone liked it she shouldn't disappoint them or make them feel bad by her saying she doesn't like it. So she just smiled and nervously laughed it off, making sure that Natsuki sent gifts get mad or sad.

"Thank you Natsuki!

"No really! It's so pretty! I love all the colors! I mean! Uh, It's not like I like it or anything! It's just, uh, really really good!"

Sayori just laughed again, seeing Natsuki's face go all red. The second thing she said kind of struck a chord with Sayori. "It's so pretty"? That's exactly what she used to think the first time she remembered the colors and all through middle school. Same with learning how to write the sheet music notes in colors. Lots of people tell her it's so pretty. She plays super pretty. She colors super pretty. It just feels different when Natsuki says it. It makes her feel like she's accomplished something. Natsuki likes cute, pretty things. She had high expectations. So when she likes something and calls it pretty, she really likes it and normally it's beautiful. Too bad her art wasn't actually one of them

The bell chimed and that meant everyone need to leave the building. All clubs are over, including the Literature Club. It's time to go home. Sayori closed her spiral notebook and put away her crayons, sliding them back in her bag. She stood up and skung then bag over her shoulders, smiling. Natsuki was still there. She can't look sans in front of Natsuki! Speaking my of which... why was she not running to get home? Her face went red and she cast her eyes to the floor. Oh dear, what was she nervous about now?

"Hey Sayori, can we hang out tonight? I really don't want to go home. We can go to the park like we used to in middle school! Or maybe just go to your house? I, uh, really don't wanna now home."

Sayori paused, hands talking to her sides instead of holding the strap of her tote bag like she normally does out of habit. They haven't hung out since middle school. Normally Natsuki's been busy and never asked to hang out since Highschool and Sayori has never been motivated enough to ask. Why was her face flushing? Why was her heart flipping like it did whenever she would walk to school with MC? Sayori smiled, why would she ever let Natsuki down? 

"Of course! I, uh, am kinda inning short on funds so we can't go out for dinner. But I have stuff to make sandwiches or maybe cook something at home!"

"Woah, wait, really? I mean, duh! Of course that's perfectly fine! Let's just go already!"

Natsuki held out her hand expectedly. Oh yeah, they did used to hold hands whenever they'd walk around the park or go to the mall didn't they? For some reason that made Sayori early, really happy. And she doesn't get happy a lot! So this was really new as of recent! Sayori grabbed her hand, small and warm, and swung it a bit. Okay, this is fine! She smiled warmly at Natsuki, who still seemed surprise that Sayori said yes. But why would Sayori not say yes? That's just a silly question.

"Okay, to my house we go!"

1150 Words

💜💙💚💛🧡❤️Have a Wonderful Day Brothers, Sisters, and NonBinary Lovlies that are Niether Ma'ams Or Misters!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 

It's All So Pretty [Satsuki] (Chromesthesia AU)Where stories live. Discover now