🧡Chapter Two🧡

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"Violá! Bienvenida La Casa de Sayori! Entrez, Mon Ami!"

"Pfft, you dork! That's, like, two totally different languages!"

"But Spanish and French are so similar and hard to tell apart!"

Sayori pouted, trying her best to do something cool but utterly failed like everything else in her life. Natsuki just laughed at how stupid Sayori sounded just now. The two of them had their shoes off and were over at Sayori's place, both of them still in their uniforms. They walked gay to Sayori's house, because Niether of them were perfectly straight, and Natsuki was beaming with happiness and her voice sounded a lot softer and less defensive than normal. It was really really nice to see her so relaxed and gleeful.

"Hey Sayori? Would mind if I borrow some clothes? I, uh, don't want to wear my school uniform since I have to wear it again tomorrow."

"Oh yeah of course! Just throw it on the floor in the laundry room and I'll make sure to wash it tonight. I still have the same dresser as I used to so you should be able to find something you like."

Natsuki nodded and began walking up the stairs, knowing exactly where Sayori's room is. It's one door down from the room her parents used to live in before they divorced. Her mom is with her new family and her dad is overseas in the military, so that's why she's able to live alone like this. Sayori walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge to get out some stuff to make sandwiches. It was only when her eyes landed on the mayo did she get the realization: All her art and music stuff is in her room.

Panic surged through Sayori as she threw the fridge door close door and began sprinting up the stairs. Lightning McQueen is Q U A K I N G at the utter speed and velocity of an anxiety-ridden Sayori. She opened her door not even bothering with the fact that Natsuki could be completely naked at this point and catching her would probably end up with her having some minority body dysphoria and being slapped while being called a pervert. Luckily that wasn't the case and Natsuki was looking through a book on her desk: the book of colored sheet music of some of her favorite songs. Well, uh, brightside? Is there one? Well... at least it wasn't her diary.

"Woah, there's so much pretty art here! Do you make stuff like this a lot Sayori? It's so cool!"

How long has it been since Natsuki completely fangirled about something other than anime? Oops, sorry. How long has it been since Natsuki completely fangirled about something other than manga? Sayori really didn't want to, but she took the compliment. Natsuki flipped the pages to look through the pretty colors that Sayori drew on. Some were made with crayons, others colored pencils, sometimes she used gel pens or glitter glue, and even she used oil pastels once! It just turned into routine rather than something she enjoyed. Actually, Natsuki looking through all her work made her kinda uncomfortable.

"Natsuki? Weren't you going to change?"

"Huh! OH RIGHT!!! Out out OUT!!!"

Sayori was ushered out of her own bedroom, pushed out and the door slammed in her own face. She was expecting that. She just laughed and sat down next to the door, looking at her knees. They were scraped and scared from her childhood. She always loved climbing trees and jumping off of bridges into rivers like in Your Lie in April. If she was anyone from that anime, she'd probably be Kaori herself. It was one of the only anime she and Natsuki watched over here in her living room back when they had Friday night slumber parties in elementary schools. Sayori still binges it every now and again.

Matsumoto opened the door, wearing a shirt that's just a bit too hig for her. It's a coral colored shirt with medium length sleeves slightly off the shoulders of her small frame. Her shorts seemed like capris on Natsuki and she took the ribbons out of her hair, tying them around her wrists like bracelets. She held her uniform folded in her arms. Her face matched the shirt as show bowed her head and hurried down the stairs to the laundry room to put the uniform to be washed just as Sayori explained.

Sayori walked in her room so she could get out of her own uniform. However something on her desk caught her eye. One of her drawings was out, the words in black ink reading Epic iii in the center. Oh yeah, that was from Natsuki's musical phase. Sayori couldn't help but laugh, but that weight in her chest plagued her again. Those times were over. Natsuki probably didn't like her as much since they got into Highschool.

Sayori couldn't help but hum the song as she scrolled through her closet, light flickers of colors in the corner of her eyes as she hit the notes quietly to herself, and feeling a lack of motivation to find anything cute or impressive for Natsuki. But, she's still a house guest and she has to look relatively decent for her. She picked out a light blue tank top with little silver moons with words underneath it saying "it's not a phase". Then she just grabbed some lounging shorts because she coudlnt care less. After she changed she folded her uniform and walked down the stairs. Natsuki was already in the kitchen, probably doing something. What was she cooking?

"Natsuki?What are you doing? I thought I was going to make us sandwiches for dinner, you don't have to cook anything. You're my guest!"

"Well sucks to that! I'm making brownies for dessert! We can still have sandwiches, but I just really wanted to bake!"

She grinned the same cheeky grin that she'd normally get when she gets caught doing something nice for her friends. Sayori sighed. Whenever Natsuki wanted to do something she wouldn't really stop to do it. Sayori notived how she already had the batter all nice and ready. Was she really taking that long to change? Now Sayori felt really bad, as though she was just burdening and dissapointing Natsuki. 

"So should I just make sandwiches while those bake?"

"Ya! Oh! And why don't you put on some music? That would always cheer us up when we were little and you always gushed about how much you loved music!"

Sayori paused for a little bit get again. Music? It all seemed like clockwork to Sayori, a routine, a second nature. It was second nature to write music in colors, to hum songs under her breath, and to play a few chords on the ukulele. But now that Natsuki was asking for her to turn some one she felt that twinge of happiness. Maybe that's what was missing. Someone to share the music with, even when they don't see the colorful lights. Sayori had a better idea. Instead of getting some regular music, why doesn't she okay something herself? It's been years since she played for anyone face to face... maybe it will help make this feeling of uselessness go away if she can make someone else really happy?

"Hold on, can we put sandwiches on wait? I wanna show you something."

"Oh, uh, okay I guess? Just don't take too long I'm getting hungry!"

Sayori laughed and Natsuki beamed with pride. She made Sayori smile! It was an easy feat, but she loved it every time. Sayori walked upstairs to get her ukulele and a book of her musical sheet music. She can have Natsuki choose a song. She took the book and the instrument downstairs. Natsuki gasped and nearly dropped her whisk when she saw it. She stared bouncing in place, making a high pitched 'squee' noise and just looking all around pretty excited.


Natsuki hid herself by hiding her face in the pink oven mits she borrowed from Sayori. Why was she wearing oven mitts when she wasn't putting the batter in the oven to bake? Maybe to look cute. Who knows. Natsuki does her own thing. Sayori laughed and sat down on the kitchen counter away from Natsuki's little cooking area. Natsuki always did love it whenever she would play right next to her. She crossed her legs and handed the book to Natsuki.

"Pick one."

Natsuki took the book and flipped through the different artworks. She read the title down in dark sharpie cursive writing. Surprisingly, she flipped entirely past Epic iii. She went through each artwork and looked at them. Sayori watched her eyes scan through the shapes and colors of the notes. Natsuki then flipped back through the book to one of the very first pages. She handed the book back to Sayori without a word. She looked at the title in the middle. "Sick Of Losing Soulmates" Sayori's smile fell. That one's kind of sad. She looked up at Natsuki, who was radiating with anticipation. She let herself smile again and she looked at the colors.

"Okay. Sick of Losing Soulmates by Dodie Clark. Take one."

She took a deep breath and began playing the song for Natsuki.

1545 Words

💜💙💚💛🧡❤️Have a Wonderful Day Ladies, Lords, and NonBinary Royalty!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

It's All So Pretty [Satsuki] (Chromesthesia AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin