💙Chapter Five💙

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"🎶There once was a bittersweet man and we called him Lemon Boy. He was growing in my garden and I pulled him out by his hair like a weed, and like weeds do he only came and grew back again. So I thought I might as well this time just let him be.

So Lemon Boy and me we started to get along together, I helped him plant his seeds and we mowed the lawn in bad weather. It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him, so I found myself a citrus friend 🎶"

Natsuki started trying match Sayori's beat, smaller flickering lights behind the ones that Sayori made. It looked like one of those Disney animations that they used to make that went in tune to music. Sayori always loved those, but she couldn't see the full thing because colors blocked her view. She'd sit in the back so the screen looked smaller when she watched those with her music class.

"🎶Soon that bittersweetness started to rub off on me. I start thinking that smelling like lemon zest would be pretty neat. But I found out my friends are more of then savory type, and they weren't so keen on compromising with a nice lemon pie.

So Lemon Boy and me we just gotta get along together. I help him plant his seeds and we mow the lawn in bad weather. It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him! So I've found myself a Citrus friend.🎶"

Sayori stopped suddenly, the lights going out as her fingers stopped tapping and her voice trailed off. Her smile fell as suddenly she felt the weight of sadness on her chest. She felt like crying for no reason and her throat was tightening up. What was going on? Why did she feel this way? Natsuki's lights flickered out and soon there was silence, then Natsuki's soft concerned voice breaking it.

"Sayori? Are you okay?"


Sayori stayed silent. What was wrong with her? She stood up and pushed in her chair, bowing her head and not saying a word. She didn't look up, and she just kept her eyes glued on her heavy feet as she ascended up the stairs. There weren't voices like before. There wasn't anything telling her to off herself like before. It was just... there. Like being enveloped in a cloud with the rain pouring around you and you have no way to get out. You feel soaking We this and your clothes are heavy and you're shivering and it's miserable. There's no explination it. This just happens.

Welcome to Depression. You just suddenltly feel hopeless and feel like you don't want to do anything anymore. You feel like you aren't worth it and you want to cry but you just don't have the energy for it.

Sayori knows she's shoudlnt have left Natsuki downstairs like that, but she did. It was like her brain was moving her for her. Sayori trudged is the stairs and went past her parent's bedroom. She opened her door and didn't bother closing it. She goanced st her open closet, but turned her head. No. It wasn't that bad. Besides, she doesn't want to worry Natsuki and scare her. She needs a place to stay for the weekend. Sayori needs to last at least that long. The last thing she wants is to see Natsuki cry.

"Sayori...? What happened? Was it something I did?"

Sayori lifted her head, turning her torso a bit to see Natsuki standing in the doorway. Rid she rush after her? Sayori weakly smiled, but gravity pulled it back down again. She wanted to collapse, hug a stuffed animal, and go to sleep. It's friday, so she can sleep until noon on Saturday and it wouldn't matter at all. 

"I'm really tired." 

Sayori managed to say the words, her jaw feeling slacked and she found it hard to keep her eyes open. She's so tired for no reason. Natsuki stared at her, then at the bed. What was she thinking? Sayori didn't care. But she did care. She was too tired to realize she cared. She flipped onto the bed and closed her eyes, ready to fall asleep right then in there. Natsuki pouted, hurrying over to her side and shaking her arm, trying to get her to not fall asleep.

"You Dummy! You can't just fall asleep! You have to brush your teeth and stuff! Besides, what am I going to do if you fall asleep now?! I'm not tired! Wake uuuuuuuup Sayoriiiiiiiii!"

Sayori opened her eyes drowsily, laughing quietly at Natsuki's shinning behavior. She's just like a little girl, isn't she? That's adorable. Sayori sat up and pretended to get a big yawn, as if she had just been refreshed and had a nice long nap. She's still very tired, but maybe she could just tease Natsuki a bit? Playing around with her always gave her energy. Like sneaking some treats and playing games and teasing her and stuff. 

"Wow, What a nice long nap! I feel super refreshed! Okay, Natsuki. I'll go brush my teeth, but then you and I have a date! Those brownies should be cooled by now!"

Natsuki looked as though she had completely forgotten about the brownies. They got them out of the oven and cut them, but they left them on the counter to cool. Maybe some chocolate would Pep Sayori up from then sudden wave of fatigue that brushed over her. Natsuki crossed her arms, turning up her nose. 

"You better not brush your teeth before you eat my brownies! That would taste super disgusting!  We brush teeth after we eat, and then we are going to watch movies! Okay? Because I really wanna see My Neighbor Totoro with you because you never watched it with me!"

Sayori held up her hands in defeat, submitting to the flat one. Natsuki grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the bed, giggling as seen did so. Someone's excited for brownies, isn't she? That's really nice. Natsuki practically ran down the stairs, pulling an unbalanced Sayori behind her. She just couldnt get her footing right. They got to the kitchen and Natsuki immediately went for two plates. Sayori took their cups and rinsed them out from the soda they had earlier. When poured some milk to go with the brownies in the cups and set them at the table just like they did before with dinner. Natsuki dropped two plates with brownies by each cup. She gave herself one, but gave Sayori three. Wow, Natsuki knew Sayori so well. They both sat down. Sayori coudlnt help herself from taking a big monster bite out of one of them. Let me tell you right now: she did not regret it!

"Natsuki these are, like, SOOOOOOO good! Yum!"

"Really? You like them that much? Well, whatever! Of course they're good! I made them after all!"

Natsuki boasted pridefully, taking bite out of hers while Sayori pushed the rest of brownies one into her mouth. These were so good! Nobody bakes sweets like Natsuki! Yep, that helps! She doesn't feel nearly as tired anymore! But she still feels kinda tired. Sayori tapped a beat with her fingers, humming in delight. A long pink note progressively growing more pastel glimmered in her vision. Natsuki smiled, humming along with her. Now it was two pink lights. Hey, now she has it down! The two of them laughed as Sayori shoved the entire second brownie in her mouth.

This is the life. Sayori wished it could be like this all the time. But that thought made her realize something that caused her heart to heart hurt and caused a pit in her stomach to grow. It all made sense now... didn't it? That explains a lot...

She's in love with Natsuki.

 1305 Words

💜💙💚💛🧡❤️Have a Wonderful Day Puppies, Kittens, and NonBinary Lizards!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

It's All So Pretty [Satsuki] (Chromesthesia AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang