Chapter 2 -- The Assignment

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It had been a while since Chris LaSalle had been to D. C. It only took the drive to Percy's condo to remind him how much he hated driving there. To add to his distress, he was disappointed that Percy had not responded to his text two days before.

His GPS took him right to the condo building. The Concierge gave him his keys and parking pass after he presented his photo.

He was stunned when he walked into Percy's Condo. It was as sophisticated as any photo layout that he had seen in a fashion magazine.

The first room he entered was her office. He had no idea that she had that many awards from the ATF. Actually Percy had never said much about her time with the ATF that wasn't mission related. He smiled as he picked up the photos on her book case of their team at NCIS New Orleans. It was only then that he realized how beautiful she actually was. There was one photo with the Director that he had never seen. She looked like a princess and had her hair piled on top of her head.

He turned his attention to the plaques that were hanging on the wall. There he found a citation signed by Director Vance that was dated the same day that she had left NCIS. He was unaware of the entirety of the professional relationship between Percy and King. It was only then that he realized why King saw her as a promising member of the team. He had no idea of the information and coordination that she provided to both the Nola office and their headquarters at Mayport before she was shot by Baitfish.

Chris found a note from Sonja taped to the bathroom mirror when he put his shaving kit away.

Dear Country Mouse.

Sorry that I'm not able to be here to greet you. A job is a job and mine can take me anywhere and that is true tonight. Please make yourself at home. Here is the combination to the safe under my desk. Please keep this information confidential. One last thing. Would you make sure that the garbage is taken out when you leave? Sincerely Sonja Percy AKA 'City Mouse'. AKA 'Sundance'.

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